Session 78 – The Day Don Harper 9/11'd The Internet

Dramatis Personae

+Red Flanagan as Classified
+Ronnie Whelan as Ronnina
+David Carli-Arnold as Acheron

NPC Interactions

Jerry the Guard – Pretty good at staring contests. Got sexassinated.
Important Lords of Light Lady – Seemed to get along pretty well with the party, although, then they totally killed Jerry.


100xp to Ronnina for making me laugh really hard, though I don’t recall what it was about.

Highlights Recap

The session began with the announcement that Don Harper of mars had decided to build a trebuchet, strap himself with Building Buster bombs, and launch himself at the Eastern Pillar of the dome, where the Internet maintains their headquarters. During the events of this session, he was making his final preparations. (Albert is given a nice retirement pension, as well as Don’s son to raise as his own.)(Also he programmed the robot to go stomp around the dome at random).

Back with Ronnina and Acheron, now free to enter Lords of Light territory unmolested, Acheron decided to make his next Wish.

“I wish that when I successfully flip over people, something will happen.”
Now, whenever he flips over someone, a random effect will occur. It may or may not be helpful.

As the party entered Lords of Light territory, they discovered that all the streets had been pulled up, and the soil beneath was being used to grow some primitive plants. It took the party awhile to find a road that was still paved for them to travel in on, and when they did, they found it crammed with people visiting farmer’s market stands.

The party talked to a few people, and discovered that–at least here–rumors of starvation seemed exaggerated. It seemed, if anything, slightly more decent than other parts of the dome. The folks they talked to, though, did have a strange, slavish love for their leader, and a fear of outsiders, whom they universally referred to as “traitors,” for allowing their nation to fall when the Comet Callers rose to attack them.

While talking to one shopkeep, Ronnina revealed that the party themselves were “traitors,” but that they were here because they wanted to help the Lords of Light. The man became very unsettled by this, and excused himself. Just because he needed to go…get something, though. Not because he was going to go inform the Secret Gestapo. Yeah, just gotta get…something.

Thinking that, perhaps, the man was off to inform the Secret Gestapo, Achernar flipped over him, and succeeded, which caused a field of flowers to grow all around. The guy still managed to flee, and Achernar gave chase, but the other man rolled doubles, and was quickly lost to sight.

Hoping to save some face, Ronnina located a soapbox, stood on top of it, and began to address the crowd. She identified her and her companions as outsiders, but not as traitors. She claimed they were here to help the people of Lords of Light territory, and as evidence of the party’s good will, she revealed their giant cart filled with Lunchables and HungryMan dinners, which she freely distributed.

Once the food was dispersed among the crowd, the party set off for the largest building they could see–wrapped all in Christmas lights–to see if they could find an audience with the folks in charge. It took only a short while for them to be accosted by agents of the Secret Gestapo, who took them into custody (without any fight from the players) and brought them to the very light-wrapped building they’d been hoping to visit.

There, the party was separated out into different cells. Whilst Acheron engaged in an epic staring contest with a guard named Jerry, Ronnina speaks very frankly with her interrogator: They know the Lords are going to attack the Rulers, and they want to help out.

A day passes, and Ronnina is eventually able to speak to a woman who seems to a senior official of some kind, and manages to convince her–more or less–that the party is here to help. However, since they know about the planned attack on the Rulers Beneath the Black, the woman says the party has to stay in custody until the attack has begun. She offers them a nice suite, and Ronnina accepted.

The whole party moved up to a nice set of rooms on the 8th floor, where they spent some time hanging out / being guarded by Jerry the Guard. Then Classified appeared, and Sexassinated Jerry.

Everyone was a little shocked by this. Jerry was a decent guy. Had a husband, and a good life. But…what’s done is done. The party resigned themselves to needing to escape the tower. But first, they would need to find their gear.

As the session ended In Media Res, a distant explosion was heard, and nobody was really sure what it was.