It’s happening right now! 26 episodes! 8 hours of RPG thoughts, theories, and flavor for your listening enjoyment!
Back up, what is this about?
Blogs on Tape is a podcast with a very simple purpose: we find good blog posts from the OSR and adjacent RPG scenes, and we perform readings of them. Each episode is just one post. Our aim is to make the scene easier for people to dip their toe into. Listen to D&D blogs on your commute, or while you do the dishes, or while you exercise.
When do new episodes come out?
Every weekday (Monday-Friday) a new episode will drop at 8AM (PST). This will continue until all Season 5 episodes have aired. (Last episode will be on November 24th). After that, Blogs on Tape will go back into hibernation until some point in 2023.
Where can I find these episodes?
The Blogs on Tape website is where they will first appear. After that, sandestins carry the episodes off to add them to Apple Podcasts, Podbay, and Spotify. (Though, as anyone who deals with sandestins can tell you, these creatures are sometimes lazy and may not do their job as quickly as you’d like.)
I’ve also got a thread on twitter that I’m updating each morning as new episodes get added. If you’re on twitter, that thread is worth following.
How can I help?
A Ko-Fi donation to help pay our hosting costs would be a big help. As Blogs on Tape grows (134 episodes at the end of this season! A total of 26 hours of audio!) hosting fees may become a greater concern. Getting some or all of it covered by community support would be a load off.
Aside from that, I really appreciate suggestions for which blog posts are worth reading. I also accept recordings from guest readers. In either event please contact me directly at my business email address.
Lastly, you can do all the same sorts of algorithm-feeding stuff that helps any creative project: retweet that thread I linked above. Post about episodes you enjoyed on your social media of choice. Tell a friend. Rate and review the podcast on Apple/Podbay/Spotify.
Honestly though, you don’t owe me anything. I do this because I care about this scene and enjoy feeling like I’m contributing to it. More than anything I’m just happy to have found a project that folks enjoy.
Thank you, very much, for listening!