I wasn’t sure if Blogs on Tape was going to resonate with people. Turns out, you all really like it! We’ve had a ton of vocal support from all over the OSR community. As a result, we will absolutely move forward with making new episodes.
The most common request I heard was that people wanted an RSS feed for the project. So, I’ve set up a site just for Blogs on Tape, which has its own RSS feed for your blog-listening convenience. The site itself is a little bare bones, but I hope to make it into a valuable resource over time. You may also notice there are two new episodes already available. I hope you enjoy them!
I’ve also managed to get Blogs on Tape set up on iTunes, which was a surprisingly nightmarish process. Hopefully it’s stable now, but if you encounter any issues let me know.
If you’re interested in contributing to the project, there are two things we need:
- Blogs that we have official permission to read from. If you have a blog, and you’re okay with us reading posts from it, please let us know.
- People who can do the readings and make the recordings. If you’ve got a halfway decent microphone, a quiet environment to use it in, and the ability to speak clearly, I’d love to have your help in getting these recordings made.
Future updates for this project will be mostly show up on the Blogs on Tape website, so I recommend everyone follow that if they’re interested.
Thanks for listening!
You all can absolutely read from my blog if anything peaks your interest. 3toadstools.blogspot.ca
Thank you!
If any of the stuff I write is up to snuff (once there’s something appropriate posted), you can absolutely ask for clearance to record it.
Also, have a list to of posts to publish for a narrator demo?
I’m sorry, man, I don’t know what you mean by a “list of posts to publish for a narrator demo.”