I don’t know exactly where this painting is from, or what it is called, but I do know that the artist is the impressive Jason Rainville.
There’s so much to like about this piece, I hardly know where to begin.
My first impression is one of danger. Those ceramic totem-snakes are menacing as fuck, and I have the distinct impression that the character is angry about the viewers presence. She appears violently insane. Even turning to run would likely provoke an attack. All I can think to do is hold up my hands and back away slowly, and hope she calms down.
Speaking of those serpent creatures, have you ever seen anything so cool in your life?
I’m also quite fond of her nudity. This isn’t nudity as you often see it in fantasy art. This woman is not attractive at the moment. She is, as I mentioned previously, terrifying. My eyes are not drawn to her breasts or her ass, despite both being shapely and pleasant. Her nakedness is not sensual. It’s a sign of her madness and her desperation. It is the nudity of a screaming newborn. It is feral.
Fucking fantastic. Absolutely fucking fantastic.