Dangerous Neighbors is a biweekly campaign where I run published adventure modules. We started it as a lower-effort successor to the somewhat overwhelming Fuck the King of Space. Its been absolute oodles of fun, and will hopefully continue for many more years.
Year 1
Keep on the Borderlands (Spring) (Sessions 1-14)
Crypts of Indormancy (Summer) (Sessions 15-18)
Bad Myrmidon (Fall) (Sessions 19-24)
(Around this point I decided each module we ran would represent the passing of a single season. Unfortunately we established that it was summer while running both Crypts of Indormancy, and Journey to the Rock. So imagine that there was some downtime here that spanned Winter to Spring.)
Year 2
Journey to the Rock (Summer) (Sessions 25-31)
The Sunless Citadel (Fall) (Sessions 32-37)
Thulian Echoes (Winter) (Sessions 38-48)
Year 3
The Slaying Stone (Spring) (Sessions 49-58)
Ruinous Palace of the Metagorgos (Summer) (Sessions 59-61)
Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier (Fall) (Sessions 62-68)
Sanctimonious Slimes Versus Expired Epicures (Winter) (Sessions 69-80)
Year 4
The Endless Stair (Spring) (Sessions 81-87)
The Hidden Grove of the Deep Druids (Summer) (Sessions 88-89)
Maw of Snails (Fall) (Sessions 90-92)
Steading of the Hill Giant Chief (Winter) (Sessions 93-??)