Session 81: “She Came Out Of Your Pussy!” | Spring
The Endless Stair | Played on March 5, 2022
Party Members Present:
-Lil’ Bottle Boy
-Animated Half Plate
-Monkee Braizure 1
-Monkee Braizure 2
-Itty Bitsy
-Unnamed Handskull
-Unnamed Slime
-Bree Yark
-First Son (Pig)
-Dillan (Undead Myrmidon)
Party Members Absent:
-Hibub Karate
-Ornoc the Waif
(Talking Horses)
During their rest in the keep, Elrica comissioned a totally wicked-ass looking Greatbow so she can plonk-plonk big arrows into suckers. Wob and Velxori also worked out a diet for Velxori’s Unnamed Slime Pet, to the effect that it’s no longer acidic, which is good both for its ability to cuddle, and its ability to pick up treasure.
The road to Daelzun’s Rest took the party through a swamp, where the roads and bridges were too long delapidated for them to bring their cart. On their journey they were accosted by a herd of 19 confused Moose, who got the drop on the party and dealt them several brutal blows before Elrica & First Son spooked them, and Wob caused the swamp’s many oozes to come alive and devour some while the rest fled.
The party arrived then at Daelzun’s Rest, a large and surprisingly bustling tavern, considering its remote location. The road seemed to be in much better repair as it extended Southeast beyond the inn, so presumably some amount of traffic comes through that way. The Inn itself served as an informal “town center” for the hunters, trappers, and woodsmen who live mostly solitary lives in the dense forests to the East.
After the party entered the tavern and settled in with meals and drinks, they experienced an incredibly eventful evening, which will be easiest to summarize with bullet points:
• A commotion rose when a dead body was brought into the tavern. It looked like a wizard, and Wob revealed himself as a wizard so he could investigate the body.
• The man who brought the body in says he found it at “The Leaning Stone,” which has an opening in it now! Everyone is shocked. This well-known local landmark has always been solid stone.
• One of the people in the tavern recognized the body as Ulthorn, a magic user he’d bumped into in the woods only a few days before.
• The Dead Body had no marks, but a gold ring and a gold cloak pin. When touched, the gold cloak pin spoke a message: “Danger! Turn back Shaleen…my beloved…Lathkoon was waiting at the Leaning Stone…found the tomb…Halazar built across the tomb of the Baron…walled it up again…but someone has…’ware Lathkoon! He Waits! Turn back—and live!”
• Velxori’s mom—Anita—came downstairs. Velxori punched her. The two got into an argument with Elrica dropping sick burns from across the bar in support of Velxori.
• The man who recognized Ulthorn, but out about having the attention of the crowd so quickly drawn away from him, announced he was going to the Jakes.
• From the argument, Velxori gathered that her parent’s relationship was transactional. Anita gave birth to Velxori in exchange for being taught some magic by Velxori’s demonic dad, and had not expected the resulting child to ever be a part of her life. Velxori’s anger made Anita angry in turn, and the two parted on bad terms.
• During all of the noisy commotion, a Ecco noticed that a travelling scribe had slipped out of the bar.
• Another body was found! Brorim, the man who identified Ulthorn, was found dead in the Jakes! Just like Ulthorn he had no marks at all upon his body. The entire tavern got very tense, and weapons appeared near-to-hand for many people. Fortunately, almost everyone in the party had been the center of some attention while Brorim was killed, so they all had strong alibis.
• On Wob’s instruction, graves were dug for both bodies, and they were quickly put into the ground. Wob threw an empty satchel into Ulthorn’s grave, identical to the one everyone had seen him place Ulthorn’s belongings into. Before burial he examined both bodies carefully and found absolutely no sign of why either man would have died. Bluepie became convinced it was dangerous to poop in this place.
• Zeehaw recited a song for the party. One which mentioned “The Leaning Stone,” and might perhaps be relevant? “By Leaning Stone where trees stand tall / Lies the mightiest wizard of all / Algahund the Mighty was his name / But now he’s dead and fled his fame / So in the end fall the strong / Gold, trumpets, kisses, all a-gone / Sing a waker song and you’ll sing it long / And the magic you have will be all your own / It won’t lie lost under cold stone / And one day you’ll join the growing throng / You’ll lie down, but your magic goes on.”
• The various folk of the region gathered in the tavern decided they’d head out to investigate The Leaning Stone frist thing in the morning. Hoping to get there first and “secure the area,” the party set out immediately with only 3 hours of light left. Daelzun warned them they’d never be able to navigate the woods alone, and suggested they take his business partner Tormil along with them. The party agreed, though privately they’re suspicious of some kind of trap.
Overland travel:
Hour 1: Party travelled from Daelzun’s Rest (1) to Nelm’s Shop (2). Saw for themselves how dense and lush these woods are. Tormil told them a bit about the folk who live in the area.
Hour 2: Party travelled from Nelm’s Shop (2) to Aglar’s Cut (3). Location of the region’s only shovel. (Aside from the horse mucking shovel at Daelzun’s Stables, and the 2 shovels the party carry with them.)
Hour 3: Tormil suggests the party take the long way around, to end their day at the clearing known as Brorim’s Folly. They can use his cabin to rest the night, and Tormil can put some of his affairs in order. The party agrees.
The party make dinner from Brorim’s larder. Tormil boards up the cabin’s windows, feeds Brorim’s animals, packs up all food that will spoil, and otherwise makes the cabin ready to be abandoned for awhile. It’s a simple and somber service the locals perform for their dead. As he works, Tormil is looking for something, but doesn’t say what, and doesn’t find it. Velxori does find a loose brick in the fireplace, behind which are some 20 year old love notes between Brorim and another young man named Nimam. The party make note of the name in case it’s relevant to why the deaths are happening, but return the notes to their hidden cubby. Wob also spends time searching the place, hoping to find what Tormil was looking for, but he finds nothing. They woke the next morning ready to venture out nice and early. Assuming the people at the Inn do the same, the party has a 3 hour head-start.
-Ring of Protection +1 (Gold, taken from Ulthorn’s body)
-Gold cloak pin with an out-of-fashion Wizard Rune on it (Taken from Ulthorn’s body) Has a temporary message enchantment on it.
-Lovely grey wizard robes, which shimmer with yellow and pink depending on how the light hits it.
-Elrica got a Greatbow, +1 to hit, but when using it she must act last during the combat round.
Elrica: -4 (took 7 damage from moose, healed 2 over 2 nights of rest)
Velxori: -1 (took 3 damage from moose, healed 2 over 2 nights of rest)
Monkee Braizure A: -4
Dillon can never go out at night again.
Zeehaw has Tomb Crystal Poisoning level 1.
Session 82: Guldus, Halazar, Elktazar, Lzammer, Cheiromar, and Many More Silly Names | Spring
The Endless Stair | Played on March 19, 2022
Party Members Present:
-Lil’ Bottle BoyThe Endless Stair | Played on March 19, 2022
-Animated Half Plate
-Monkee Braizure 1
-Monkee Braizure 2
-Itty Bitsy
-Unnamed Handskull
-Unnamed Slime
-Big Round Beetle on a String
-Bree Yark
-Steve (Pig)
-Dillan (Undead Myrmidon)
Party Members Absent:
-Hibub Karate
-Ornoc the Waif
(Talking Horses)
The party awoke the next morning in Brorim’s home, well rested and refreshed. They took their time to breakfast and prepare themselves for the day before setting out again towards The Leaning Stone, led by their guide Tormil.
HOUR 12 SINCE LEAVING DAELZUN’S REST: Elrika has been attempting to leverage Tormil’s grief for the loss of his friend to draw him into becoming a manipulable emo. Her attepts culminate in a social roll which fails. Tormil is a 47 year old guy, confident in himself, and only a casual acquaintence of the dead Brorim. He’s not suceptible to this.
Ahead of the party on the trail they saw a dark man-like shape, almost invisible among the tightly-packed trees. It is motionless as they approached, and they saw that it was a man in dark maroon robes watching them steadily. He appeared unarmed and resigned, not hostile. Suddenly he spoke: “Know travelers that once Baran Elktazar, he called the Axe-Lord, ruled these lands–and know too that though death laid him low long years ago he will rise again!” and with that he stepped behind a tree and was gone. Tormil recognized him as a Priest of the Pantheon of Heroes, a sect of harmless goofballs, the local branch of which worships some Axe-guy who used to rule the region a few hundred years back.
The party examined the area, and despite the rain creating mud that left clear footprints, they couldn’t find a trail leading to or away from this area. They did see some of the man’s footprints though, so clearly he was really there. They waved hands around looking for someone invisible, but found none. They looked at the narby trees for scuff marks, as if they had been climbed, but found none.
The party reached a small clearing with a decrepit old hut, abandoned for some 35 years, shortly after Tormil settled in the area. He knows nothing about the old man who lived there, save that he’d lived here for a long time.
HOUR 13 SINCE LEAVING DAELZUN’S REST: Tormil led the party on a looping path, which led gradually up the back side of Galzar’s Crag, upon which The Leaning Stone stands. Along this path, suddenly as if from nowhere, a man in maroon robes stood in their path, some ten paces away. It was the same mysterious man they saw earlier. As before he was unarmed, but appeared more stern and serious. He raised one hand in a gesture to halt, at which point Wob shot him with a bow before he could speak, and sent his two Monkee Braizures to restrain him, which they did.
The party bullied and humiliated the cleric, to the point of somewhat upsetting Tormil. They learned that the cleric’s name was Steve, and Elrika took both his robes and his name to give to First Son (her pig), who will henceforth be known as Steve. The guy was soft, had a tattoo of an axe on his belly, and answered the party’s questions. As Tormil said, he was a priest of the Pantheon of Heroes, specifically one dedicated to Baron Elktazar, the Axe Lord. Apparently his tomb is nearby, it has been desecrated in the past by someone named Halazar, and Steve/NamelessBoarOnTheFloor believes it is about to be despoiled again. He made clear that someday Baron Elktazar will return, and that when he does those who desecrated his tomb will be named to him, and no doubt suffer his wrath. The party continued poking at him for a good long while, but eventually let him go. He waggled his hands and popped out of existence once more.
Tormil led the party the rest of the way to The Leaning Stone.
HOUR 14 SINCE LEAVING DAELZUN’S REST: As the stories said, there was an arched opening in The Leaning Stone, which appeared as if it had always been there, but Tormil insisted that he’d been past here many times and it had always been solid stone before. He set about gathering sticks to try and get a fire going despite the rain, intending to camp and wait for his companions from Daelzun’s Rest to arrive.
The party scouted the area, got the lay of the land, but found nothing of note aside from the entrance to the stone, which appeared safe. (Velxori tested it with a beetle!) Beyond the entrance, the interior of The Leaning Stone was small. Perhaps 5 feet in diameter, with little space to stand on because there was a 3 foot diameter hole in the ground, dropping away into darkness. Velxori dropped a stick into it, which floated gently down.
Sometime around this point the party heard a large group approaching from the other nearby path, and decided they ought to move briskly onward. The hole was too small for the Monkee Braizures to fit into, so it was decided that one would rest upside down atop the hole, sealing it with its braizure, while the other would stand in the doorway as guard. They also left behind Zeehaw, Bree-Yark, and Steve, while one-by-one the rest of the party dropped into the hole and drifted gently 100′ down. As they descended, strange eye creatures swirled around them, examinging them from every angle, and when they finally emerged into a hemispherical room below, one pair of eyes detached itself from the group to follow each individual player character.
This new room was unnaturally smooth stone. Like a modern polished granite countertop. There was some junk on the floor the party collected. The room had only one exit, but when the party moved towards it a large group of dagger wielding cultists emerged as if from nowhere to engage in a brutal melee with one another. For some reason this drove Ecco, Bluepie, and Elrika into fits of weeping. Other members of the party recognized the illusion for what it was, but had to spend 17 minutes consoling the members of the party who had failed their save. As they did this, they heard the sounds of someone fighting the Monkee Braizures up above.
Thinking to set a trap for whoever was following them (the party assumes that it’s the group Velxori’s mother is part of), Wob and Khole worked together to disrupt the gentle elevator magic of the shaft. Each posessed of power over gravity, this was simple for them to do. The levitation spell functioned normally for 40 feet, after which it cut off suddenly, causing anyone drifting downward to plummet 60 feet to the ground.
Immediately after leaving the first room, the uncommonly smooth stone gave way to halls and corridors that appeared to be hewn out by more common methods.
In the next room the party found the skeleton of a dead adventurer, identified as a woman by her very feminine adventuring boots. They found a number of valuable bits of magic around her bones, and a scrap of paper which read “Guldus believes Halazar cut across the earlier tomb of Baron Elktazar, for it is the only delving known to be in the area. Guldus says Lzammer was orderedf to wall something up by Halazar.” They also found a potion which Elrika offered to Dillan, who drank it, and turned invisible. Nobody is acknowledging that he’s invisible, so he doesn’t know it.
In a further corridor the party passed two walls obviously bricked up at a later time. The one to the South had already been broke open, but Elrika wanted to hack a hole through to the North. First, however, the party wanted to check into an adjacent room. There was a large slab there which, when touched, caused all the eyes from the entry chamber to enter and swirl around them as a disembodied voice spoke:
“The Cheirmoar rests not here, but has been laid to rest where in life he strove, and where in death he is safe from those who would rob and destroy. If you seek the power that was his, and have knowledge enough to take and leave what is right, seek the Endless Stair.”
Then all the eyes left, moving back towards the entrance shaft, save for the ones which had separated from the group earlier to follow the individuals in the party.
Elrika began using her superbly weighted kopesh’s rear spike as a pick to try and break through the Northern wall, while the rest of the party climbed through the hole made in the brick wall that led to the South. This took about 20 minutes.
HOUR 15 SINCE LEAVING DAELZUN’S REST: On the other side of the little cave-in, the party found another skeleton. Beside it was a smudge of white dust, and around it were cracked chunks of slate with white markings on them. Additionally, the skeleton held another scrap of parchment, which read:
The sage says th–
Cheiromar is not buried–
Tomb prepared for him, wh–
lies instead with his magic, war–
at the top of the Endless Stair.
Below this is a crude map, showing the location of The Endless Stair relative to the Leaning Stone, and another location called ‘Wyvern Crags’
Just then the party heard a number of screams and unpleasant thudding sounds from the direction of the Entrance.
When next session begins: Elrika has 40 minutes of work left to open up the path to the North. Also, remember that DIllan is invisible, but doens’t know it, and will remain invisible until he does violence.
Potion of Healing (1d6+1 or Remove Paralyzation)
Small Bronze Box
Nice Silver Dagger slightly tarnished
Scroll with the spells “Floating Disc” and “Hold Portal.”
Spell book marked with a sigil and the word”I belong to Naera.” Contains the spells Magic Missile, Read Magic, Mirror Image, Web, and Haste.
Everyone is being followed by eyes (?)
Elrica: -4 (All from last session)
Velxori: -1 (All from last session)
Monkee Braizures: Presumably both destroyed?
Dillon can never go out at night again.
Zeehaw has Tomb Crystal Poisoning level 1.
Session 83: Elrika Goes PEON MODE and Tuckers Herself Out | Spring
The Endless Stair | Played on April 2, 2022
Party Members Present:
-Lil’ Bottle Boy
-Animated Half Plate
-Monkee Braizure 1
-Monkee Braizure 2
-Itty Bitsy
-Unnamed Handskull
-Unnamed Slime
-Big Round Beetle on a String
-Bree Yark
-Steve (Pig)
-Dillan (Undead Myrmidon)
Party Members Absent:
-Hibub Karate
-Ornoc the Waif
(Talking Horses)
The party climbed back through the wall to check out what exactly the scream-thunks from the entry chamber were. Save for Elrika, who seemed to have been struck by a malady known as “Peon Brain,” in which she unthinkingly continued working at the last job she’d set her mind to.
The bodies of five young adventurers lay in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the levitation shaft. A sixth figure, an older man in heavy chainmail armor, was staggering to his feet. The party rushed in and killed him without a word. While they were looting the six bodies, the concerned shouts from up above ceased, and a silk rope dropped down the shaft onto the heap of bodies. The party doused the heap and the end of the rope with oil. They waited for the tension on the rope to shift (indicating that someone had gotten beyond the gravity shift), and lit the thing on fire. For good measure, the party threw one of the Mushrooms they’d acquired in session 77 (variety #3. Inverse cap with a nodule on top)
Another young person came tumbling down and died on impact. Nearly 30 seconds later they were followed by two more middle aged people. A woman wearing leather and carrying many daggers had managed to hold her limbs out to brace herself against the walls, preventing her from falling too quickly. However, a man who had apparently been above her on the rope (dressed in silks and garish finery) had clung to her back. The slide had left the leather-clad woman’s hands a bloody mess. To make matters worse, both of the two caught fire when they landed in the heap of oil-soaked bodies. The party again finished them off without a word. They dragged the corpses out of the room as it filled with smoke, looted them, (the bard’s nice items were all consumed in the fire) then ecco returned to the room to throw their corpses onto the fire. The smoke caused Ecco to turn a lovely shade of green (#77d284) due to his peculiar immunity to effects of this sort.
Elrika had finished smashing her way through the wall, and found a corner of the dungeon to curl up and fall asleep in. She then disappeared from view, apparently having ‘logged out’ of the world somehow!? Anyway, the party went through the opening, piled up some of the loose stones behind them, and used their scroll of “Hold Portal” to prevent their rivals from following them.
Beyond was a linear passage, winding upwards in a gradual ramp until it opened onto the surface. The hole was about 6′ wide, and 3′ high, positioned awkwardly amid a rocky section of the side of the crag on which The Leaning Stone stands. The entrance the party used to get into the dungeon was visible across an open grassy field, about a 10 minute walk distant. It was apparent that this had once been a larger entryway, which had been obscured by landslides over the passage of centuries. The party looked out across the field with their spyglass. They confirmed that the Monkee Braizures had been destroyed, but it appeared that Zeehaw and Bree-Yark were not in any danger. They were sitting peacefully beside the fire with Tormil while Velxori’s Mother and another middle-aged man in Plate armor (both looking fairly impressive in their full adventuring kit) milled about along with 24 of their young apprentices / mooks. Improbably, one of the mooks spotted the party through the rain, and informed the others. After some discussion of whether or not they should potentially kill Velxori’s mom, the party retreated back down the ramp, dispelled the “Hold Portal,” and moved South to get deeper into the dungeon.
In secret, Wob wrote a chalk message for their pursuers on the wall of the winding ramp corridor.
Rocks did not fall as the party traveled down down a corridor to the South, at the end of which was a T intersection with two stairways leading down. There was an axe motif carved into the wall, but the party didn’t really give a shit about that.
They moved East and encountered another set of stairs leading down into running water that looked as though it would be about chest-deep. At the dim outter-edge of their torchlight the party saw three sarcophagi with lids just barely above the top edge of the water, features eroded away nearly to nothing. The party took an extra bit of time to examine the sarcophagi with a spyglass, and noticed a stock-still fish fin rising from the water between two of them. Wob carefully lined up a bow shot, struck the fin, which turned out to be attached to an undead freshwater shark that had got stuck in this room. It launched itself like a torpedo through the water and up the stairs to attempt swallowing someone whole. The party were lucky enough to dart back in time to avoid being eaten.
After some deliberation, the party filled a backpack with blood-soaked cloth and bones, and put it on the end of a grappling hook. They wrapped their rope around long-dry iron sconces on the wall, and threw the bait into the water. It worked! The shark was caught on their grappling line, but it was also immensely strong and at a large advantage while in the water. It took the whole party working with slow, methodical application of strength to very gradually inch the shark out fo the water, where it was vulnerable enough to be dragged down the hallway, up another flight of stairs, and into the T-intersection. There, Velxori could safely approach it from one side and slice it to ribbons with the Sword Against Undeath. Within the shark’s belly the party found the corpse of another adventurer, swallowed whole some long years ago. She had some gold, and a Ring of Plant Control for the party to take. They also returned to the Sarcophagi now that the shark was gone. All three contained inert bones. One also contained a rusty broadsword, while another held a Staff of Healing.
Upon returning to the intersection, the party saw flickering Torchlight up North. Someone had followed them down the ramp. The party moved the shark to point down the corridor, hopefully to frighten anyone coming down that way.
Next session, remember:
-Everyone is being followed by eyes.
-It’s raining outside
-Dillan is invisible but doesn’t know it.
-Shark in the Corridor.
-There’s a secret RefNotes document with important info.
1000gp from first group to fall.
400gp from second group to fall.
200gp from corpse inside shark.
(Total 1600; or 534 gp/xp each for Velxori, Ecco, and Wob)
3 Potions of Healing 1d8 + 1
1 Potion of Fire Resistance
1 Potion of Invisiblity
1 Potion of Deep Deep Sleep for 30m, which counts for a full night’s rest.
2 hip sheathes for daggers, which can launch daggers as if thrown upon utterance of a command word.
Sword Against Undeath (+1/+3vUndead)
Amulet of X-Ray Vision (1 turn, once per day)
Charging Helm (Gain advantage on Charging actions)
Socks of Legal Slipperiness (The Wearer gains a +1 to social attempts when trying to talk themselves out of legal trouble)
Ring of Control Plants (As in OSE p. 251)
Staff of Healing (d6+1, 14 Charges)
Phantom Dagger — Haunted by the spirits of all its past wielders. Ignores any protections from metal armor. Once per combat a damage roll of 1 prompts a Save v. Magic or the wielder enters into a furious rage. They must act with maximum aggression until the combat is over. The woman the party killed is in the dagger, and is absolutely agog that the party is full of such violent thugs.
Elrica: -4 (All from previous sessions)
Velxori: -1 (All from previous sessions)
Monkee Braizures: Definitely Both Destroyed o7
Dillon can never go out at night again.
Zeehaw has Tomb Crystal Poisoning level 1.
Session 84: “Good” Wizards Get Away With Some Evil Shit | Spring
The Endless Stair | Played on April 16, 2022
Party Members Present:
-Lil’ Bottle Boy
-Animated Half Plate
-Itty Bitsy
-Unnamed Handskull
-Unnamed Slime
-Big Round Beetle on a String
-Bree Yark
-Steve (Pig)
-Dillan (Undead Myrmidon)
(Talking Horses)
Party Members Absent:
-Hibub Karate
-Ornoc the Waif
HOUR 17 SINCE LEAVING DAELZUN’S REST (Continued from last session)(1pm-2pm)
The party moved West, found some chests within a chalk circle, examined them, dragged one outside the circle and opened it. There were 400 coins inside.
The party examined the other two chests. One contained another 400gp, and the middle one contained a golden glowing sword wrapped in clean linen. Velxori slid this along the floor to wob, hilt-first. The moment the sword was outside the circle it transformed into a great big Man Scorpion, which attacked Velxori! She dodged, and called out a greeting rather than counterattack. She rolled a 12 on her reaction roll, and the scorpion man apologized. He’d thought she was Halazar! The scorpion man introduced himself as a cleric named Jhalarg, and explained that his last memories were of the “Goodly” wizard Halazar transforming him into a piece of treasure to tempt tomb robbers. Apparently this was deemed to be acceptable due to scorpion men being an “Evil” people? Anyway, he agrees to travel with the party for awhile, until he gets his bearings enough to return home.
The party traveled back to the East, hoping to explore the channels through which the water flowed to the South. A little ways down they noted that the rushing water echoed oddly, suggesting that the wall might be thin here. Elrica set back to work with her mercury-weighted Kopesh, while the rest of the party spoke further with Jhalarg. He told of his life as a 9th level cleric among the desert tribes of his people, traveling from burrow to burrow with news, story, and sacrement. He taught a little of Scorpion Religion: that they fear a dread god Roc whose strength is so great that it is incapable of true bravery. That in order to be worthwhile, a person must be strong despite limitations. Clearly he means “limitations” like those of a Scorpion Person—but he does make some token allowances for the strength of pitiful creatures like humans and gnomes.
A small hole is made into the room beyond, and the party retrieve a very fancy magical axe which just happened to be leaning up against the wall where the hole was made. They consider entering the room, but are concerned about a carving of a spider in the ceiling, pointing butt-out towards the floor, with a little stone butthole carved into it. At around this same time, the rival adventuring group is heard discovering the undead shark in the hallway. From their chatter, the group seems to be composed entirely of underlings, and doesn’t include Velxori’s mom or any of her companions.
The party decides to leave the dungeon via the flowing water. Wob uses his Staff of Skeleton to transform everyone present into a human skeleton, able to tumble along with the flow of the water, out into Lost Axe lake, and walk easily along the lakebed. It is ruled here that while in a Skeleton form, characters cannot rest their living bodies, since skeletons need no sleep.
The party climbes up onto the North shore, and rig up a kite so Ecco can spy upon the folk gathered around the leaning stone. It’s gotten quite a bit bigger—presumably from the arrival of the locals from Daelzun’s Rest. The party’s horses, pigs, and presumably Zeehaw, have moved away off to the South.
The party found a place to rest down by the shore, out of sight from anyone. Everyone restores 1hp and 1 spell if they have ’em. (Technically they should need to rest twice this long in order to restore 1hp. The referee is being very kind here.)
The party skulked up to meet with Zeehaw. They failed to be fully stealthy, but they were stealthy enough considering that it was a dark space filled with people, and Zeehaw was off to the side by herself. They conferred with Zeehaw about plans to depart, and Zeehaw went off to confer with Tormil on the party’s behalf. The party had her ask how they might reach Wyvern’s Crag (as shown on one of their maps), and in giving directions Tormil casually dropped the location of the Endless Stair as a landmark. Apparently it is a well known feature of the area. Folk would have happily directed the party towards it, but nobody in the party ever actually mentioned their desired destination out-loud. When they sent Zeehaw back to inquire for more specific information, Tormil could not give any. The Endless Stair is dangerous. People who go up it die. No one he knows has ever actually attempted it, though the skeletons on the ground attest to the truth of the rumors.
The party retreated back to their hidden camp to wait longer.
The party regained another 1hp and 1spell each, for Nick is entirely too lenient of a referee. Honestly, it’s a detriment to the game. He ought to stop.
Once it was well and truly dark and quiet, the party climbed back up the hill, reuinted with Zeehaw and their horses, and snuck right through the camp to follow the Western path.
HOUR 29 SINCE LEAVING (12am-1am)
The party traveled from The Leaning Stone (12) along the road to the Old Hut (10). Along the way, many frightening things move in the woods, but the party suffers no encounters. Zeehaw takes the time to tell the party what happened while they were in the dungeon:
-Velxori’s Mom’s party showed up, clearly having lost sleep and forced a march, angry about the party “Stealing their claim.” The senior members of the crew seemed particularly irritated with Velxori’s Mom, who “should have seen this shit coming.” They kept it professional at this point, but the tension was clear to Velxori. They destroyed the Monkee Braizures efficiently, without suffering any damage. (It took some time, but they didn’t rush it, and the Monkee Braizures were more focused on protecting the doorway than in protecting themselves. They got a few good licks in before they were destroyed. o7).
The rival group seemed fully informed about the properties of the levitation shaft, and utterly surprised when it failed. Again, everyone seemed to agree that Velxori’s mom was somehow at fault for this. Hoping to aid their injured companions they threw a rope down and went climbing quickly, and shortly after that some smoke rose up out of the dungeon. Something about the smoke made people behave strangely. The professionalism was dropped at this point, and and the rival party began to bicker openly. Even when one of their junior members saw something glinting off in the distance they refused to stop fighting to issue orders, so the apprentice tomb robber gethered a group of 9 others and went off to investigate the glinting light on her own. This was around the time Zeehaw and Tormil decided to move away from the dungeon entrance, and shortly therafter the rest of the locals arrived, and Tormil excused himself from Zeehaw’s company.
The party travelled from the Old Hut (10) to Brorim’s Folly (8). On the road, Stacy the Talking Horse disturbed a great massive hive of biting ants, and was injured severely as the party set off running, but everyone managed to arrive at their destination safely. Jhalarg healed Stacy’s broken leg, Wob ransacked the place on the assumption that Tormil was looking for something important. When he found 32 gold pieces, Wob assumed Tormil must have an adventurer’s avaricious intent.
They lay down for the night at 2am, intending to travel North East towards the Endless Stair first thing in the morning.
Next session, remember:
-Everyone is being followed by eyes.
-It’s raining hard outside
-Dillan is invisible but doesn’t know it.
-Dillan can’t be out under the stars.
832gp (208 gp/xp each for Velxori, Elrika, Wob, and Ecco)
Magic Axe w/ 1 True Strike per Day; Glows bright as a torch when held.
Elrica: -1 (Healed 3hp from 3 rests)
Dillon can never go out at night again.
Zeehaw has Tomb Crystal Poisoning level 1.
Session 85: “Do We Know The Sexuality Of These Wizards?” | Spring
The Endless Stair | Played on April 30, 2022
Party Members Present:
-Lil’ Bottle Boy
Session 86: Madlibs Monster | Spring
The Endless Stair | Played on May 14, 2022
Party Members Present:
-Lil’ Bottle Boy
-Animated Half Plate
-Itty Bitsy
-Skelby (The Handskull)
-Unnamed Slime
-Big Round Beetle on a String
-Steve (Pig)
-Dillan (Undead Myrmidon)
-Bree Yark
(Talking Horses)
Party Members Absent:
-Hibub Karate
-Ornoc the Waif
10am – 11am
After their long march the night before, the party slept in until 10am before rousing themselves to continue on to the Endless Stair. Immediately upon leaving the house, they saw Velxori’s mother Anita sitting in a small camp in the same clearing, directly in their path. After confirming she wasn’t here to do violence, they approached. Elrika kept a respectful distance so Velxori could talk to her mom alone, while Wob decided to go full third-wheel on them and bring out a tea kettle to set on the fire. He snuck a potion of Truth Telling into the kettle, then served it so both Anita and Velxori had some. Anita then informed Velxori about the truth potion, saying she’d consumed it willingly as a show of good faith.
During the ensuing conversation some key pieces of information came to light. The magics Anita got from her congress with Velxori’s Sexy Dad were powerful divinatory abilities. She and her group’s whole deal was that she’d use her powers to scout out locations for some reasonably safe adventuring, being sure to identify all the various tricks and traps of a dungeon before they ever stepped foot in the door. She’d gone through that whole process of plotting out the future before Velxori touched the parl back in Session 76. The fact that the party’s decisions were altered by divinatory magic disrupted the future Anita had planned for: thus their many foolish blunders before they realized what was happening. In the hours since the poison mushroom’s effects had passed, Anita had assessed the situation and performed new divinations.
She offered the party a deal: at the top of The Endless Stair, down a hallway into the main chamber, sitting on a shelf on the right-hand wall are 8 diamonds of particularly notable size and quality. If the party would promise to deliver those diamonds to Anita so she can begin to gather the needed materials to resurrect those friends of hers the party killed. The party agreed, and Anita revealed that there were 3 high level wizards lurking in the woods: Lathkoon, a 24th level wizard; and Zelazel a 22nd level wizard with his 19th level apprentice Treeona—the same who had attempted to assassinate Arkayz with the Slaying Stone, and been stopped by the party back in Session 58. She was able to give them exacting details about the wizard’s locations, spell lists, and activites. Zelazel and Lathkoon, former lovers turned now to bitter foes, both desired the treasure atop the endless stair, and had more or less the same plan to get it. They hoped the rubes of adventurers wandering the area would be tempted up the stairs, setting off traps and killing monsters to clear the path. Once someone started up the stairs, they’d prevent them from coming down again.
Velxori and her mother also reached an emotional détente. Velxori finds her mother to be intensely disappointing, and Anita is horrified that her daughter—estranged or not—would murder Anita’s friends, comrades, and apprentices. The two parted on chilly terms, but they perhaps understand one another just a little. Velxori made clear she wouldn’t reach out to Anita again. Anita will decide if they have any future relationship.
Before the groups parted, Elrica slid up next to Anita and asked about the summoning ritual for Velxori’s sexy dad, which Anita shared. It’s the same one Velxori knows (detailed below). Though, for anyone who isn’t Velxori’s Sexy Dad’s Daughter, they must accept that once summoned a bargain must be struck. This summoning does not bind the demon, merely calls him. The summoner cannot decide they don’t want to go through with it and walk away. They must offer something, and accept something that is acceptable to Velxori’s Sexy Dad.
11am – 4pm
To avoid Zelazel lurking in the woods watching the trail, the party was forced to range off side through the dense and tangled foliage of the woods, increasing what would have been a 1 hour trip into a 5 hour slog. Fortunately for the party they managed to avoid any nasty encounters. They did bump into a giant arachnid creature standing 12′ high, but it looked to be lost and they managed to avoid encountering it by taking a yet-further way around. There was also plenty of chit-chat during this walk. Velxori’s unnamed Skull-hand baby (now named “Skelby”) learned the phrase “Sexy Dad.” Also, in the midst of bullying Dillan due to his invisiblity that he was unaware of, Elrica struck upon the idea of using his invisibility to cure him of his fear of the night sky. The plan is detailed below. Once near the clearing, the party used Wob’s Potion of Rumor-Spreading, (acquired from the Alchemist in Session 80) to spread the rumor that someone had managed to sneak past the wizards and get up the stairs. This was believable enough for Zelazel and Treeona, but with a good social roll even Lathkoon (whose own spells guarded the area) was convinced.
Lathkoon went up the stairs with several of his Gargoyls servitors. He carefully avoided the ninth step, but otherwise put foot to each step despite the fact that the party knows he had the “Fly” spell prepared. On the Fortieth step he got into some kind of battle that the party couldn’t see very well. This was when Zelazel entered the clearing, cast Fly upon himself, and attacked Lathkoon. Shortly after, Treeona teleported into the clearing, and more of Lathkoon’s Gargoyles arrived.
4pm – 5:30pm
The wizard battle went on for an hour and a half while the party watched. Art first it seemed that Lathkoon would triumph. He was the more powerful wizard, with many Gargoyle servitors. At one point Treeona was unconscious from a Gargoyle attack and Lathkoon’s vicotry seemed certain, but Zelazel managed to destroy the Gargoyles and fight a holding action against his former lover long enough for Treeona to recover. Once both wizards were fully engaged in the fight, they managed to wear Lathkoon down. The fight ended brutally. Many spells having been expended, Zelazel looming over Lathkoon and plunging a +3 dagger into his chest repeatedly.
At the start of next session, the party will begin in their hiding place just outside the clearing. An exhausted Zelazel and Treeona must rest and recuperate after their lengthy battle.
While Zelazel and Treeona were resting, before they could so much as say one word to each other, the party leaped to attack. Ecco used his control of plants to restrain them with the tall grass, Velxori threw her daggers, Wob used one of the alchemist’s concoctions to conjure a miniature volcano beneath them, and Jhalarg the Scorpion-Man Cleric cast a 15′ radius of silence around the area Zelazel landed. The slaughter was brutal and swift, and Zelazel died trying to whistle for his pet attack dogs, which could not hear him through the magical silence.
Collecting the three wizard’s bodies took time. Treona’s had been hurled ragdoll into a tree by the eruption of the volcano. The party then sorted through the remaining loot they had on them, as well as the items in Lathkoon’s nearby camp. These are detailed in the loot section below. During this time, the party also found the body of Steve the cleric who’d harried them on their approach to Lost Axe lake just the day before. Dead, apparently killed by Lathkoon’s magic misssile same as so many others in this adventure.
Once the loot was gathered, sorted, and distributed, Wob cast spell of rudimentary animation on the corpses so they could proceed the party up the stairs to trigger any traps they could.
The party marched up the first 112 stairs, avoiding the frost trap on the 9th step, and the wind trap on the 69th step (which sent one of their zombies hurtling down to become a messy heap of goo). They otherwise put foot to each stair up to that point, always safely behind the zombies. On the 112th, an illusory vision of “a beautiful human female of mature years clad in robes of shimmering purple, bearing a rod across her crossed arms” appeared. She said “You are come to the Seat of Power, where the Cheirmar sits in vigil. You have not the key. you are not welcome here. Please leave, and you will not suffer harm.” Each subsequent zombie which stepped here caused the vision to appear anew and repeat its message. For reasons that aren’t entirely clear to the referee, this is where the party decided enough was enough.
Wob cast “Fly” on himself out of Lathkoom’s spellbook; Velxori drank a potion which allowed her to fly but also caused her to hear demon voices. A random generator decided that the demon was “charming and purple skinned,” which obviously meant Velxori’s dad, who spent the rest of the session chastizing her for drinking strange concoctions given to her by wizards. Ecco used his stairstep boots to avoid walking on the stairs. Khole was gonna be left behind, but cast a gravity spell on himself to make him neutrally bouyant in the atmosphere, so that he could easily be carried along behind Wob by hanging on to a rope.
On the 204th stair lay a mummy-black hand with an eyeball in its palm. Always interested in spare body parts, Ecco tried to grab it, and it jumped to life and attacked. REALLY attacked. This thing was tough as nails and full of nasty spells. Ecco saved against its wind spell that would have sent him falling 200ft, but did have one of his daggers disenchanted for 17 exploration turns. The whole party converged to fight the thing (Including Elrika, who’d been dozing below but ran up lickity split!). Attempts were made to grapple the thing, but after cross-referencing its hit dice (which simply read “same as the person who created it”), it was revealed the thing had 27, which made grappling dang near impossible. The party resorted to using many charges from their newly acquired magic items. They did destroy the thing, but not before it paralyzed Velxori badly enough that she did fall 200ft to smash into the ground below. She used one of the charges on her newly acquired Scarab of Protection to avoid taking 66 falling damage.
Once everyone had recovered, the party finally made it to the top of the stairs. They discovered that there were 350 stairs in all, then 100 more illusory stairs that were plainly fake from this point, but would be convincing to anyone more than 20′ below them. The party waited as the zombies continued up the stairs, and when they put foot to the 328th step, a magical door appeared as if from nowhere. The party entered through it, and will begin next session at the entracnce to The Seat of Power.
Next session, remember:
-Everyone is being followed by eyes. Two pairs each!
-It’s raining hard outside
-Dillan is invisible, and knows it now!
-The party is accompanied by Jhalarg the Scorpion-Man Cleric
-Mangled remains of the “Guaridan Hand” monster from p. 28 of The Endless Stair.
-Wand of Cold (3 charges by the end of this session)
-Wand of negate magic item for 1 round (4 charges)
-Wand of Lightning Bolts (0 charges by the end of this session)
-Wand of Lightning Bolts (8 charges by the end of this session)
-Staff of healing / smiting (7 charges)
-Staff of Power (Cone of Cold, Continual Light, 8d6 Fireball, 8d6 Lightning bolt, telekinesis all once per wizard)
-Scarab of Protection (block all damage from a single source, can announce after damage roll) (2 charges by the end of this session)
-Potion of Freedom
-3 Potions of Healing
-Egg of Wonder (the third and final of Zelazel’s eggs, described in the center column on page 9. of The Endless Stair. What animal could it summon…?)
-Lathkoon’s Spell Book (60 spells use as scroll)
-3 Daggers +3
-Dagger +1
-Ring of Protection +2
-Ring of Protection +3
-Ring of Fire Resistance
-Displacer cloak: once per day you may declare that your location was actually somewhere else within 20′. Can be used to avoid any incoming attack.
-Gold gemmed Diadem worth 5000gp
-Crystal Amulet 4000gp
That’s 9000 gp/xp, or 2250 each for Velxori, Ecco, Wob, and Elrika.
Lathkoon’s Spell Book
Each spell can be cast by a magic user as if it were a scroll. Once cast it disappears from the page. (Fly was already used as of this session)
Level 1: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Floating Disk, Hold Portal, Light/Darkness, Magic Missile, Protection from Good, Read Langauges, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep, Ventriloquism
Level 2: Continual Light/Dark, Detect Good, Detect Invisible, ESP, Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force, Web, Wizard Lock
Level 3: Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Haste, Hold Person, Infravision, Invisibility 10′ Radius, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Good 10′ Radius, Protection from Normal Missiles, Water Breathing.
Level 4: Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Ice Storm, Polymorph Other, Curse, Wizard Eye, Warning Trumpet (Endless Stair Unique)
Level 5: Animate Dead, Control Gargoyles (Endless Stair Unique), Teleport, Hold Monster
Level 6: Anti-Magic Shell, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone
Level 7: Create Normal Monsters, Power Word Stun, Reverse Gravity, Statue
Level 8: Force Field, Power Word Blind
Level 9: Heal, Meteor Swarm, Prismatic Wall, Contingency
Elrica: -1 (Healed 3hp from 3 rests)
Dillon can never go out at night again, but might potentially be healed.
Zeehaw has Tomb Crystal Poisoning level 1.
nimated Half Plate
-Itty Bitsy
-Skelby (The Handskull)
-Unnamed Slime
-Big Round Beetle on a String
-Steve (Pig)
-Dillan (Undead Myrmidon)
(Talking Horses)
Party Members Absent:
-Bree Yark
-Hibub Karate
-Ornoc the Waif
10am – 11am
After their long march the night before, the party slept in until 10am before rousing themselves to continue on to the Endless Stair. Immediately upon leaving the house, they saw Velxori’s mother Anita sitting in a small camp in the same clearing, directly in their path. After confirming she wasn’t here to do violence, they approached. Elrika kept a respectful distance so Velxori could talk to her mom alone, while Wob decided to go full third-wheel on them and bring out a tea kettle to set on the fire. He snuck a potion of Truth Telling into the kettle, then served it so both Anita and Velxori had some. Anita then informed Velxori about the truth potion, saying she’d consumed it willingly as a show of good faith.
During the ensuing conversation some key pieces of information came to light. The magics Anita got from her congress with Velxori’s Sexy Dad were powerful divinatory abilities. She and her group’s whole deal was that she’d use her powers to scout out locations for some reasonably safe adventuring, being sure to identify all the various tricks and traps of a dungeon before they ever stepped foot in the door. She’d gone through that whole process of plotting out the future before Velxori touched the parl back in Session 76. The fact that the party’s decisions were altered by divinatory magic disrupted the future Anita had planned for: thus their many foolish blunders before they realized what was happening. In the hours since the poison mushroom’s effects had passed, Anita had assessed the situation and performed new divinations.
She offered the party a deal: at the top of The Endless Stair, down a hallway into the main chamber, sitting on a shelf on the right-hand wall are 8 diamonds of particularly notable size and quality. If the party would promise to deliver those diamonds to Anita so she can begin to gather the needed materials to resurrect those friends of hers the party killed. The party agreed, and Anita revealed that there were 3 high level wizards lurking in the woods: Lathkoon, a 24th level wizard; and Zelazel a 22nd level wizard with his 19th level apprentice Treeona—the same who had attempted to assassinate Arkayz with the Slaying Stone, and been stopped by the party back in Session 58. She was able to give them exacting details about the wizard’s locations, spell lists, and activites. Zelazel and Lathkoon, former lovers turned now to bitter foes, both desired the treasure atop the endless stair, and had more or less the same plan to get it. They hoped the rubes of adventurers wandering the area would be tempted up the stairs, setting off traps and killing monsters to clear the path. Once someone started up the stairs, they’d prevent them from coming down again.
Velxori and her mother also reached an emotional détente. Velxori finds her mother to be intensely disappointing, and Anita is horrified that her daughter—estranged or not—would murder Anita’s friends, comrades, and apprentices. The two parted on chilly terms, but they perhaps understand one another just a little. Velxori made clear she wouldn’t reach out to Anita again. Anita will decide if they have any future relationship.
Before the groups parted, Elrica slid up next to Anita and asked about the summoning ritual for Velxori’s sexy dad, which Anita shared. It’s the same one Velxori knows (detailed below). Though, for anyone who isn’t Velxori’s Sexy Dad’s Daughter, they must accept that once summoned a bargain must be struck. This summoning does not bind the demon, merely calls him. The summoner cannot decide they don’t want to go through with it and walk away. They must offer something, and accept something that is acceptable to Velxori’s Sexy Dad.
11am – 4pm
To avoid Zelazel lurking in the woods watching the trail, the party was forced to range off side through the dense and tangled foliage of the woods, increasing what would have been a 1 hour trip into a 5 hour slog. Fortunately for the party they managed to avoid any nasty encounters. They did bump into a giant arachnid creature standing 12′ high, but it looked to be lost and they managed to avoid encountering it by taking a yet-further way around. There was also plenty of chit-chat during this walk. Velxori’s unnamed Skull-hand baby (now named “Skelby”) learned the phrase “Sexy Dad.” Also, in the midst of bullying Dillan due to his invisiblity that he was unaware of, Elrica struck upon the idea of using his invisibility to cure him of his fear of the night sky. The plan is detailed below. Once near the clearing, the party used Wob’s Potion of Rumor-Spreading, (acquired from the Alchemist in Session 80) to spread the rumor that someone had managed to sneak past the wizards and get up the stairs. This was believable enough for Zelazel and Treeona, but with a good social roll even Lathkoon (whose own spells guarded the area) was convinced.
Lathkoon went up the stairs with several of his Gargoyls servitors. He carefully avoided the ninth step, but otherwise put foot to each step despite the fact that the party knows he had the “Fly” spell prepared. On the Fortieth step he got into some kind of battle that the party couldn’t see very well. This was when Zelazel entered the clearing, cast Fly upon himself, and attacked Lathkoon. Shortly after, Treeona teleported into the clearing, and more of Lathkoon’s Gargoyles arrived.
4pm – 5:30pm
The wizard battle went on for an hour and a half while the party watched. Art first it seemed that Lathkoon would triumph. He was the more powerful wizard, with many Gargoyle servitors. At one point Treeona was unconscious from a Gargoyle attack and Lathkoon’s vicotry seemed certain, but Zelazel managed to destroy the Gargoyles and fight a holding action against his former lover long enough for Treeona to recover. Once both wizards were fully engaged in the fight, they managed to wear Lathkoon down. The fight ended brutally. Many spells having been expended, Zelazel looming over Lathkoon and plunging a +3 dagger into his chest repeatedly.
At the start of next session, the party will begin in their hiding place just outside the clearing. An exhausted Zelazel and Treeona must rest and recuperate after their lengthy battle.
Next session, remember:
-Everyone is being followed by eyes.
-It’s raining hard outside
-Dillan is invisible, and knows it now!
-The party is accompanied by Jhalarg the Scorpion-Man Cleric
Summoning Velxori’s Dad
Once per in-game day, Velxori may attempt to call her dad. The attempt requires a 3-turn summoning ritual, and has a success chance of [Level] x 5%. If she succeeds, she cannot attempt to summon him again until the following week.
Devil Dad is a good parent, but part of being a good parent is expecting Velxori to stand on her own two feet now that she’s grown up and gone out into the world as an adult. Also, the ritual only allows him to exist physically within a small summoning circle. It doesn’t actually bring him into our world so much as it creates a space shared between his world and ours.
On a single summoning Velxori’s dad will answer 3 questions to the best of his ability, but Velxori must also endure some chitchat and a certain amount of tedious dad-advice.
Healing Dillan’s Mental Malady
-Dillan is afraid to go outside at night, because he belives the stars are eyes which glare at him specifically.
-Dillan is currently invisible until he takes aggressive action.
-While he is invisible, Dillan feels free to walk out under the night sky, for he knows he cannot be seen.
-If the party can keep Dillan invisible through an entire Downtime turn, he can make a roll-under Wisdom check to overcome his fear through exposure therapy.
-(Dillan’s WIS score is 12)
-If Dillan fails this check by 5+ (17 or more) the intensity of his malady will increase.
-If Dillan fails this check and remains invisible through another downtime turn, he can check again with a +2 bonus to his Wisdom. However, any failure will result in the intensity of his malady increasing.
Elrica: -1 (Healed 3hp from 3 rests)
Dillon can never go out at night again, but might potentially be healed.
Zeehaw has Tomb Crystal Poisoning level 1.
Session 86: Madlibs Monster | Spring
The Endless Stair | Played on May 14, 2022
Party Members Present:
-Lil’ Bottle Boy
-Animated Half Plate
-Itty Bitsy
-Skelby (The Handskull)
-Unnamed Slime
-Big Round Beetle on a String
-Steve (Pig)
-Dillan (Undead Myrmidon)
-Bree Yark
(Talking Horses)
Party Members Absent:
-Hibub Karate
-Ornoc the Waif
10am – 11am
After their long march the night before, the party slept in until 10am before rousing themselves to continue on to the Endless Stair. Immediately upon leaving the house, they saw Velxori’s mother Anita sitting in a small camp in the same clearing, directly in their path. After confirming she wasn’t here to do violence, they approached. Elrika kept a respectful distance so Velxori could talk to her mom alone, while Wob decided to go full third-wheel on them and bring out a tea kettle to set on the fire. He snuck a potion of Truth Telling into the kettle, then served it so both Anita and Velxori had some. Anita then informed Velxori about the truth potion, saying she’d consumed it willingly as a show of good faith.
During the ensuing conversation some key pieces of information came to light. The magics Anita got from her congress with Velxori’s Sexy Dad were powerful divinatory abilities. She and her group’s whole deal was that she’d use her powers to scout out locations for some reasonably safe adventuring, being sure to identify all the various tricks and traps of a dungeon before they ever stepped foot in the door. She’d gone through that whole process of plotting out the future before Velxori touched the parl back in Session 76. The fact that the party’s decisions were altered by divinatory magic disrupted the future Anita had planned for: thus their many foolish blunders before they realized what was happening. In the hours since the poison mushroom’s effects had passed, Anita had assessed the situation and performed new divinations.
She offered the party a deal: at the top of The Endless Stair, down a hallway into the main chamber, sitting on a shelf on the right-hand wall are 8 diamonds of particularly notable size and quality. If the party would promise to deliver those diamonds to Anita so she can begin to gather the needed materials to resurrect those friends of hers the party killed. The party agreed, and Anita revealed that there were 3 high level wizards lurking in the woods: Lathkoon, a 24th level wizard; and Zelazel a 22nd level wizard with his 19th level apprentice Treeona—the same who had attempted to assassinate Arkayz with the Slaying Stone, and been stopped by the party back in Session 58. She was able to give them exacting details about the wizard’s locations, spell lists, and activites. Zelazel and Lathkoon, former lovers turned now to bitter foes, both desired the treasure atop the endless stair, and had more or less the same plan to get it. They hoped the rubes of adventurers wandering the area would be tempted up the stairs, setting off traps and killing monsters to clear the path. Once someone started up the stairs, they’d prevent them from coming down again.
Velxori and her mother also reached an emotional détente. Velxori finds her mother to be intensely disappointing, and Anita is horrified that her daughter—estranged or not—would murder Anita’s friends, comrades, and apprentices. The two parted on chilly terms, but they perhaps understand one another just a little. Velxori made clear she wouldn’t reach out to Anita again. Anita will decide if they have any future relationship.
Before the groups parted, Elrica slid up next to Anita and asked about the summoning ritual for Velxori’s sexy dad, which Anita shared. It’s the same one Velxori knows (detailed below). Though, for anyone who isn’t Velxori’s Sexy Dad’s Daughter, they must accept that once summoned a bargain must be struck. This summoning does not bind the demon, merely calls him. The summoner cannot decide they don’t want to go through with it and walk away. They must offer something, and accept something that is acceptable to Velxori’s Sexy Dad.
11am – 4pm
To avoid Zelazel lurking in the woods watching the trail, the party was forced to range off side through the dense and tangled foliage of the woods, increasing what would have been a 1 hour trip into a 5 hour slog. Fortunately for the party they managed to avoid any nasty encounters. They did bump into a giant arachnid creature standing 12′ high, but it looked to be lost and they managed to avoid encountering it by taking a yet-further way around. There was also plenty of chit-chat during this walk. Velxori’s unnamed Skull-hand baby (now named “Skelby”) learned the phrase “Sexy Dad.” Also, in the midst of bullying Dillan due to his invisiblity that he was unaware of, Elrica struck upon the idea of using his invisibility to cure him of his fear of the night sky. The plan is detailed below. Once near the clearing, the party used Wob’s Potion of Rumor-Spreading, (acquired from the Alchemist in Session 80) to spread the rumor that someone had managed to sneak past the wizards and get up the stairs. This was believable enough for Zelazel and Treeona, but with a good social roll even Lathkoon (whose own spells guarded the area) was convinced.
Lathkoon went up the stairs with several of his Gargoyls servitors. He carefully avoided the ninth step, but otherwise put foot to each step despite the fact that the party knows he had the “Fly” spell prepared. On the Fortieth step he got into some kind of battle that the party couldn’t see very well. This was when Zelazel entered the clearing, cast Fly upon himself, and attacked Lathkoon. Shortly after, Treeona teleported into the clearing, and more of Lathkoon’s Gargoyles arrived.
4pm – 5:30pm
The wizard battle went on for an hour and a half while the party watched. Art first it seemed that Lathkoon would triumph. He was the more powerful wizard, with many Gargoyle servitors. At one point Treeona was unconscious from a Gargoyle attack and Lathkoon’s vicotry seemed certain, but Zelazel managed to destroy the Gargoyles and fight a holding action against his former lover long enough for Treeona to recover. Once both wizards were fully engaged in the fight, they managed to wear Lathkoon down. The fight ended brutally. Many spells having been expended, Zelazel looming over Lathkoon and plunging a +3 dagger into his chest repeatedly.
At the start of next session, the party will begin in their hiding place just outside the clearing. An exhausted Zelazel and Treeona must rest and recuperate after their lengthy battle.
While Zelazel and Treeona were resting, before they could so much as say one word to each other, the party leaped to attack. Ecco used his control of plants to restrain them with the tall grass, Velxori threw her daggers, Wob used one of the alchemist’s concoctions to conjure a miniature volcano beneath them, and Jhalarg the Scorpion-Man Cleric cast a 15′ radius of silence around the area Zelazel landed. The slaughter was brutal and swift, and Zelazel died trying to whistle for his pet attack dogs, which could not hear him through the magical silence.
Collecting the three wizard’s bodies took time. Treona’s had been hurled ragdoll into a tree by the eruption of the volcano. The party then sorted through the remaining loot they had on them, as well as the items in Lathkoon’s nearby camp. These are detailed in the loot section below. During this time, the party also found the body of Steve the cleric who’d harried them on their approach to Lost Axe lake just the day before. Dead, apparently killed by Lathkoon’s magic misssile same as so many others in this adventure.
Once the loot was gathered, sorted, and distributed, Wob cast spell of rudimentary animation on the corpses so they could proceed the party up the stairs to trigger any traps they could.
The party marched up the first 112 stairs, avoiding the frost trap on the 9th step, and the wind trap on the 69th step (which sent one of their zombies hurtling down to become a messy heap of goo). They otherwise put foot to each stair up to that point, always safely behind the zombies. On the 112th, an illusory vision of “a beautiful human female of mature years clad in robes of shimmering purple, bearing a rod across her crossed arms” appeared. She said “You are come to the Seat of Power, where the Cheirmar sits in vigil. You have not the key. you are not welcome here. Please leave, and you will not suffer harm.” Each subsequent zombie which stepped here caused the vision to appear anew and repeat its message. For reasons that aren’t entirely clear to the referee, this is where the party decided enough was enough.
Wob cast “Fly” on himself out of Lathkoom’s spellbook; Velxori drank a potion which allowed her to fly but also caused her to hear demon voices. A random generator decided that the demon was “charming and purple skinned,” which obviously meant Velxori’s dad, who spent the rest of the session chastizing her for drinking strange concoctions given to her by wizards. Ecco used his stairstep boots to avoid walking on the stairs. Khole was gonna be left behind, but cast a gravity spell on himself to make him neutrally bouyant in the atmosphere, so that he could easily be carried along behind Wob by hanging on to a rope.
On the 204th stair lay a mummy-black hand with an eyeball in its palm. Always interested in spare body parts, Ecco tried to grab it, and it jumped to life and attacked. REALLY attacked. This thing was tough as nails and full of nasty spells. Ecco saved against its wind spell that would have sent him falling 200ft, but did have one of his daggers disenchanted for 17 exploration turns. The whole party converged to fight the thing (Including Elrika, who’d been dozing below but ran up lickity split!). Attempts were made to grapple the thing, but after cross-referencing its hit dice (which simply read “same as the person who created it”), it was revealed the thing had 27, which made grappling dang near impossible. The party resorted to using many charges from their newly acquired magic items. They did destroy the thing, but not before it paralyzed Velxori badly enough that she did fall 200ft to smash into the ground below. She used one of the charges on her newly acquired Scarab of Protection to avoid taking 66 falling damage.
Once everyone had recovered, the party finally made it to the top of the stairs. They discovered that there were 350 stairs in all, then 100 more illusory stairs that were plainly fake from this point, but would be convincing to anyone more than 20′ below them. The party waited as the zombies continued up the stairs, and when they put foot to the 328th step, a magical door appeared as if from nowhere. The party entered through it, and will begin next session at the entracnce to The Seat of Power.
Next session, remember:
-Everyone is being followed by eyes. Two pairs each!
-It’s raining hard outside
-Dillan is invisible, and knows it now!
-The party is accompanied by Jhalarg the Scorpion-Man Cleric
-Mangled remains of the “Guaridan Hand” monster from p. 28 of The Endless Stair.
-Wand of Cold (3 charges by the end of this session)
-Wand of negate magic item for 1 round (4 charges)
-Wand of Lightning Bolts (0 charges by the end of this session)
-Wand of Lightning Bolts (8 charges by the end of this session)
-Staff of healing / smiting (7 charges)
-Staff of Power (Cone of Cold, Continual Light, 8d6 Fireball, 8d6 Lightning bolt, telekinesis all once per wizard)
-Scarab of Protection (block all damage from a single source, can announce after damage roll) (2 charges by the end of this session)
-Potion of Freedom
-3 Potions of Healing
-Egg of Wonder (the third and final of Zelazel’s eggs, described in the center column on page 9. of The Endless Stair. What animal could it summon…?)
-Lathkoon’s Spell Book (60 spells use as scroll)
-3 Daggers +3
-Dagger +1
-Ring of Protection +2
-Ring of Protection +3
-Ring of Fire Resistance
-Displacer cloak: once per day you may declare that your location was actually somewhere else within 20′. Can be used to avoid any incoming attack.
-Gold gemmed Diadem worth 5000gp
-Crystal Amulet 4000gp
That’s 9000 gp/xp, or 2250 each for Velxori, Ecco, Wob, and Elrika.
Lathkoon’s Spell Book
Each spell can be cast by a magic user as if it were a scroll. Once cast it disappears from the page. (Fly was already used as of this session)
Level 1: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Floating Disk, Hold Portal, Light/Darkness, Magic Missile, Protection from Good, Read Langauges, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep, Ventriloquism
Level 2: Continual Light/Dark, Detect Good, Detect Invisible, ESP, Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force, Web, Wizard Lock
Level 3: Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Haste, Hold Person, Infravision, Invisibility 10′ Radius, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Good 10′ Radius, Protection from Normal Missiles, Water Breathing.
Level 4: Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Ice Storm, Polymorph Other, Curse, Wizard Eye, Warning Trumpet (Endless Stair Unique)
Level 5: Animate Dead, Control Gargoyles (Endless Stair Unique), Teleport, Hold Monster
Level 6: Anti-Magic Shell, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone
Level 7: Create Normal Monsters, Power Word Stun, Reverse Gravity, Statue
Level 8: Force Field, Power Word Blind
Level 9: Heal, Meteor Swarm, Prismatic Wall, Contingency
Elrica: -1 (Healed 3hp from 3 rests)
Dillon can never go out at night again, but might potentially be healed.
Zeehaw has Tomb Crystal Poisoning level 1.
Session 87: Wob’s Magiporium | Spring
The Endless Stair | Played on May 28, 2022
Party Members Present:
-Lil’ Bottle Boy
-Animated Half Plate
-Itty Bitsy
-Skelby (The Handskull)
-Unnamed Slime
-Big Round Beetle on a String
-Bree Yark
-Steve (Pig)
-Dillan (Undead Myrmidon)
(Talking Horses)
Party Members Absent:
-Hibub Karate
-Ornoc the Waif
(This session was rushed and cut short due to other comittments the referee had. Also the recap was written fully 2 weeks later, so the below is a little spotty.)
Through the door at the top of the Endless Stair, the party found at the end of a long hallway, the walls and ceiling of which were like a solid wall of roiling clouds, luminous with some mysterious light coming from behind them. At the end of the hall was a floating, levitating skull, which welcomed them to the Tomb of the Cheiromar! Wob used the spellbook stolen during the previous session to cast Detect Good, Detect Invisible, and Detect Magic.
Having defeated the two wizards who would have contested this place with the party, it was remarkably free of hazards. They wisely didn’t mess with the giant glass orb, or its miniature twin resting on a stone plinth. They were briefly trapped in the Wizard-Duel-Training-Chamber, but upon locating the controls within the anti-magic field they were able to escape. Those two hazards having been avoided, the party was able to move from room to room gathering up all the Cheiromar’s treasures: from the main chamber, to the living chamber, to the walk in closet, the library, and finally The Seat of Power itself. The story of this session is more appropriately told by the Loot section below.
Wob settled himself on the Seat of Power, and found that the Echoing Chasm which had directed him here had told the sincere truth about how powerful this magic item was. When sitting here, Wob’s perceptions became bound to an invisible, insubstantial point separated from his body. Able to move through the world at impossible speeds. Not only could he cast any of his spells from this point of perception, but he could also cast a whole slew of additional spells granted to him by the seat.
Wob, Khole, the Animated Suit of Armor, and Lil’ Bottle Boy settled down to remain here in the Cheiromar’s Tomb Wob’s Magiporeum. The rest of the party descended the Endless Stairs with their treasures. Velxori turned over the 8 Diamonds to her mother, and the two shared a tense goodbye. Who knows what is next for their relationship?
Velxori, Ecco, Elrica, and the rest of the company made their way back to the Keep. Jhalarg parted with the company on good terms, setting off towards his home in Dry Dry Desert.
Also it turns out those eyes that were following everyone the whole time didn’t ever do or mean anything.
The ends The Endless Stair!
8 Massive Diamonds (Given to Velxori’s Mom for divination services rendered, so she can resurrect some of the kids the party killed).
Dart of Death (p.27 Endless Stair. Basically: a disk that flies off like a bullet in the compass direction indicated when a command word is spoken. Deals d4 damage without a saving throw.)
Spyglass of good quality
3 Buttons of Blasting: voice-activated explosives which deal 4d6 damage when a command word is spoken by the last person to touch them.
Table of Plenty (This plain wooden table is 5 feet square and stands 3 feet tall. Upon command, it produces tablecloth, candles, plates, cups, and eating utensils for four; a second com
mand produces food and drink on the plates and cups and lights the candles. It creates three such meals per day. All foods thus created are real, but the items disappear if taken 5 feet from the table. A third command causes all the items and food (including leftovers and crumbs) to disappear; a fourth command word turns it into a miniature table, 1 inch tall; and a fifth restores it to normal size.)
Staff of Unassumingness. Nobody will ever think it is a magical staff. That is the only magic it posesses.
Gem of Magic Missile Reflection. (66 uses. When wearing it, magic missiles directed at the wearer may be bounced back at their caster, bounced and redirected towards another target, or absorbed as healing, according to the will of the wearer).
Twelve marbles which accurately and unerringly roll and bounce anywhere their user desires, within the range of a thumb flick. This is not limited to a single target or semi-natural path. They will zig-zag, hop, and backtrack as needed to accomplish their wielder’s goals. This is the only power which the marbles wish their wielder to access. Together they are an object of immense cosmic power, with a will all their own. On any given flick there is a 1-in-20 chance that the marbles will choose to become lost, having decided their time with the player character is done. The marbles do not move with enough force to deal damage to most creatures.
Fish hook that works its magic when slipped into someone’s clothes. An ethereal tether extends between the hook and the person who placed it, so that they always know which direction to go to find the target. If pulled on, the tether will drag the hooked person with magic force along the most expedient path to the one who placed the hook. The magic is undone if the hook is discovered, or if the hooked person changes clothes.
Cabinet of Ministering: If the user steps inside, closes the doors, and speaks any of three command words, the cabinet either removes curse, cures disease, or cures wounds (for 50 points of curing!) as would a 30th-level cleric. The cabinet functions only once per month.
Books: “Splecter’s Conjurations, Masteries, and Summonings”, “Najirit’s Tome of Wonders”, “Phenalon’s Phantasmagorica”, “Asztellor’s Book of Mighty Spells”, and The Book of Dolzhabban The Read”. All these books contain spells which could be used as scrolls. However, since the party’s only spellcaster remained behind to live here, I will not put in the effort to enumerate those spells. If it ever does become necessary, they are detailed across pages 22 and 23 of The Endless Stair.
1000 gold pieces in a jar.
712 gold pieces found behind the mirror
That comes to 428 gp/xp each for Ecco, Elrica, Velxori, and Wob.
Lathkoon’s Spell Book
Each spell can be cast by a magic user as if it were a scroll. Once cast it disappears from the page. (Fly was already used as of this session)
Level 1: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Floating Disk, Hold Portal, Light/Darkness, Magic Missile, Protection from Good, Read Langauges, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep, Ventriloquism
Level 2: Continual Light/Dark, Detect Good, Detect Invisible, ESP, Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force, Web, Wizard Lock
Level 3: Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Haste, Hold Person, Infravision, Invisibility 10′ Radius, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Good 10′ Radius, Protection from Normal Missiles, Water Breathing.
Level 4: Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Ice Storm, Polymorph Other, Curse, Wizard Eye, Warning Trumpet (Endless Stair Unique)
Level 5: Animate Dead, Control Gargoyles (Endless Stair Unique), Teleport, Hold Monster
Level 6: Anti-Magic Shell, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone
Level 7: Create Normal Monsters, Power Word Stun, Reverse Gravity, Statue
Level 8: Force Field, Power Word Blind
Level 9: Heal, Meteor Swarm, Prismatic Wall, Contingency
Elrica: Healed to full by the Haven Turn.
Dillon can never go out at night again, but might potentially be healed.
Zeehaw has Tomb Crystal Poisoning level 1.