Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it! I hope you’ve had a lovely morning because it’s time for my annual humiliation. I think the lyrics came together real well this year. I’m either getting the hang of this, or I’m hitting that first Dunning Kruger peak. You be the judge.
The video is also somewhat competently put together this year. I don’t edit video frequently enough to justify pricey editing software, and in the past I’ve really struggled to figure out even a marginally consistent workflow with free software. This year I started using Lightworks, which is a messy pain in the ass piece of software, but is reasonably usable and consistent compared to every other free video editor I’ve used.
Of course, I still blow the levels on the audio a bit. Also the Nikon D300S that I use for my day job as a professional-ass photographer is remarkably shitty at capturing video. Let’s call it part of the charm. Yeah. My videos have an intentional “bad video” aesthetic. That’s it. If you don’t like it, it’s just because you don’t get it.
ALSO! If you’re interested, I set up a whole playlist for all five of the D&D Christmas Carols I’ve made so far.
Here comes an owl bear, here comes an owl bear
Right down the dungeon lane
Two claw attacks n’ a nasty beak
That’ll leave you feelin’ maimed
Hooting Horrors howl with hunger
It’s a terrible plight
Draw your sword and say your prayers
‘Cause the owl bear wants a bite
Here comes a b’holder, here comes a b’holder
Right down the dungeon lane
Stalks of Eyes with evil surprise
Like an anti magic ray!
Round and floaty greedy tyrant
braggadocios bore
Hurry up and stab that thing
Oops it was a Gas Spore
Here comes a pudding, here comes a pudding
right down the dungeon lane
Goopy, drippy, thick and sticky
Boy they are such a pain
Can’t be chopped or stabbed or kicked
That would only make more
Better wake the wizard up
‘Cause we need a spell or four
Here comes a dragon, here comes a dragon
Right down the dungeon lane
Color-coded treasure hoarder
famously too vain
Make a save vers. dragon’s breath
Hope your dice roll high
Best prep well if you want that gold
and you do not want to die