Everything on this page is and will always be free for your enjoyment. If you are inclined to drop a dollar in my tip jar, several of them are also available as Pay What You Want titles on DriveThruRPG and Itch.io.
The Dachshund Dungeon

Send your players to visit the cordial society of the Gentledogs. Presently they’re beset by a moral quandry: trying to live up to their own values while pressed on one side by imperialist forces from the Underdark, and on the other by a treasonous wizard attempting to engineer a fascist coup.
The Hidden Tomb of Slaggoth the Necromancer

A low level dungeon adventure. Adventurers must make their way through a cave filled with traps and goblins to reach the tomb of the long-dead necromancer Slaggoth, and its many treasures. This was my first attempt at writing a complete adventure module, and is probably still my most easily accessible work.
Mice with Legitimate Grievances

A three page dungeon for you all. It’s about how roof damage caused by an onioneer’s hubris can lead to violent misunderstandings with other species.
You’ll like it.
The Legend of Zelda Adventure System

A basic RPG system described in 3 pages, intended to emulate the things I like best about the first three Legend of Zelda games. Written in 2019, but loosely based on a set of rules I blogged about back in 2012.
Potatoes & Rats

I would be lying if I called this an adventure module. It’s more a parody of adventure modules, filled with crass humor and OSR in-jokes, mostly at the expense of a certain shitheel. I have been told that it’s actually pretty fun to play through, but I honestly don’t know where I would even begin trying to run it myself. I can’t claim sole writing credit on this one. It was a collaboration between a whole band of miscreants. I did edit the thing, though.
The Fishmonger’s Revenge

A one-page dungeon with an embarassing number of spelling errors which I will try to fix next time I come across the original file. An angry fishmonger calls upon warriors from the sea to slaughter those who had wronged him, then builds a citadel of bone pylons atop the water where he can brood.
Fuck the King of Space Rules

Note Temporarily unavailable. I just noticed there’s some art in there which is definitely *not* supposed to be there, and which isn’t mine to use. Will try to get that fixed up so I can share this again.
A custom ruleset I wrote for running D&D-style adventures in space. The layout is slapdash, but it’s more-or-less feature complete. If you’ve ever played D&D before, it should be no problem to run space-D&D out of this book.