Today’s prompt brought to mind how overnight rest during wilderness travel is handled. Being in the woods in the dark is scary, and it would be nice to reflect that scariness better in my games. Simply rolling a single encounter check for the evening feels inadequate, since the players typically roll 3 of those during the day!
This led me to considering John B.’s Roles and Tasks for PC Groups. It’s an option I’ve always liked, but never made use of. Specifically here I’m interested in the Quartermaster, whose job includes drawing a diagram of the party’s camp layout each evening. Tough to do in online games, but it seems like it’d be a fun ritual to mark the end of each adventuring day if the whole group were together around a real table, with convenient scraps of paper nearby. The full procedure was laid out in A Procedure for Exploring Wilderness.
And now, because it is Night, I will take a Rest from daily blogging. I enjoyed revisiting these old posts of John’s, I encourage you to do the same, and now I’m going to go spend the day with my family.
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