That’s right. I’ve joined the hordes of the semi-talented who wrestle over pocket change on Patreon. I’ve screwed up my courage to ask you for some money, and would appreciate it if you’d hear me out.
If you enjoy Papers & Pencils, and would like to see more from me, here are the basic facts of the matter:
- The only thing preventing me from getting more writing done is the amount of time that I have for writing.
- A lot of my time is spent working paycheck jobs so I can pay my bills. This is time which could be spent writing.
- If I start to get money from my writing, then I will be able to spend less time at those paycheck jobs.
- The less time I spend at paycheck jobs, the more writing I can do.
As I write this, I’ve spent the last 2 months without needing to get up and go to a job every morning. During that time, I’ve been working on RPG stuff for 10-16 hours each day, 5 days a week. Some of it even sneaks its way into the weekend, because even when I’m resting, I want to do this.
But my little “writing vacation” fund is empty, and I need to get back to making money. I’ve got bills to pay, food to eat, and alcohol to drink. And because I need to spend my time doing something other than writing to make money, the amount of writing I can get done will return to the same old trickle.
That’s the simple math of it. I’m not saying that you owe me anything. I write Papers & Pencils for myself, because I love doing it, and I’m going to keep doing it whether you give me money or not. But, if you like what I do, and you have a few dollars to spare, giving those dollars to me will allow me to do more of the thing that you like.
So, if you are able, please consider supporting my Patreon campaign.