As I told the artist of this piece, Jjnaas, this isn’t the kind of thing which normally catches my eye. Brightly colored fantasy stories about children really aren’t my thing. Even when I was a kid I was frustrated by how tame some of the stuff aimed at kids could be. But something about this piece is different. The juxtaposition of the adorable, terrified child; the light and life filtering in from the world above, and the profound darkness that surround them, speaks of a true danger which sets my imagination running.
Jjnaas is immensely skilled. His gallery is massive and I absolutely recommend browsing it. Much of his work is not fantasy themed, but a lot of it is and it’s all worth checking out. For example, I love the architecture in this tavern, with the interior balconies creating an interesting setting for adventure. And this piece titled Pilgrim Route is so quiet and adventurous, I wish I had the artistic knowledge to describe it better.