After returning home, the party took 2 haven turns:
Jeb 1: Rigged up a broadcast studio, and a cooking competition show, with the intent of teaching people math. Begin buliding up to a regional championship.
Jeb 2: Built a chipophone–a sorta keyboard with video game sounds–and had it delivered to the 2X-L ProphecyBot, who enocurages people to express their creativity with it.
Losco 1 & 2: Trains the Tech skill. Recalls his soldiers from the underground base they were trying to establish so that the Robot is better protected.
1. The Cult of Al Kohaul recognizes the folks broadcasting this new cooking show, and tells everyone about how they randomly killed all the cultists during a ritual once for no good reason. As the Al Kohaulics are generally well liked, this story does not cast the party in the best light.
2. Through a series of 3 entirely random die rolls (World Event > Assassination > In Redstone Lords Territory), Edward Sallow has been killed. A conspiracy of disgruntled boardmembers stabbed him 23 times. They expected to be hailed as heroes, but the common people loved Sallow. There is now some disagreement about who ought to be his heir. Everyone assumed it would be his long time associate Cameron Angel, but it turns out Sallow’s will actually names an 18 year old unknown named Ogbert as his sole heir, even so far as posthumously adopting him.
Thus ended March & April 2521
The party loaded up their Quads with carts of extra food and batteries, then headed out into the Mountains of Mars to investigate the large head carved into a mountainside they first say in session 130. On the way they encountered two oddities. The first was a spot–not visible, but something that could be felt when passed through. When Jeb’s head was in it he felt a psychic link with someone named Sevren. They communed with him for a bit, and he seemed totally bewildered by what was happening. The party, it seems, was the first to bump into this spot. They verified that he was in Outsider territory, and arranged a date at which to meet him in the bar which served as a front for their teleporter pad.
Further on they found a small battlefield where all that was left were 300 sets of spears, helmets, and cuirasses. Anything organic was long gone, leaving only the metal equipment behind.
Finally they reached the base of the head where there were stairs leading up up up inside the mountain, to a room where the eyes let in light, and a young woman sat in a chair.
The woman, Enir, was incredibly bored. It turned out she was millenia old. A human from the dawn of civilization cursed never to die. She’d seen and done everything. Came to mars hoping for something new, but eventualy got bored and left. (Ashgar actually recognized her from a picture. Her wandering outside the dome was big news in the early days of the apocalypse.)
She remained entirely unengaged as the party tried telling her about ever-increasingly strange things to try and impress her. Eventually they mentioned the aliens, and her interest was piqued. She wanted to meet those. She asked if the party had a space ship, and they said ‘yes,’ but told her where to find the Internet’s space ship instead. She became single-mindedly intent on reaching that Space Ship, and the party agreed to give her a ride back to the Dome.
Session ended in media res.