When next your players wish to go shopping, they may discover that this store is tended by someone with their own rich internal life. This post was written by request from a friend, who has since informed me that it is not at all what she wanted and is totally useless to her. I probably should have clarified her needs at some point, but perhaps it will be useful to you!
The shopkeep / merchant / salesperson is…
- Going to notice something about the party. They’ll latch onto a peculiarity and refuse to let it go. If someone is wearing a funny hat they’ll make little jokes about it. If someone is of a species not commonly seen in this region, this person will ask probing questions. They just do not have good boundaries.
- Chatty. She wants your opinion on some big issue in the news, or perhaps on one of life’s big questions. If someone makes the mistake of answering her, she takes that as her opportunity to give HER opinion, the explanation for which will last at least seven times as long.
- Intensely lamenting a dead plant which he tried really hard to tend to properly.
- Obliged to try and upsell every customer on her cousin’s homemade jewelry. It’s terrible stuff. Cheap, garish, unwieldy. She’s embarrassed to be selling it, but familial solidarity is important.
- An excitable and energetic young woman. She’s highly knowledgeable about what she’s selling, with a level of expertise that is moderately remarkable in someone so young. She works for a disinterested and penny pinching owner, who doesn’t pay her enough to live on, and frequently demands that she spend more time selling product, and less time helping customers make informed choices.
- A pair of elderly newlyweds who cannot keep their hands off one another. This is the first day back from their honeymoon, and they’re still in full-on hornt mode.
- Pretending to be asleep so she can catch thieves.
- Secretly practicing some ultimately harmless but culturally taboo religious rite. Perhaps they are worshiping the Sun while living under Christendom, or they may be leaving offerings to the finger bones of their ancestors in a place where anything other than toe bones is considered a great sacrilege.
- A lethargic young fellow who is thoroughly annoyed to be stuck in this dead-end job. Questions about his wares make him indignant. He’s a shopkeep. The junk on the shelves is what it is. Buy stuff or don’t, but don’t bother him about it.
- A stocky redheaded woman in her early thirties, with one eye and one arm. She’s short tempered, and particularly has no patience for looky-loos. She has a tendency to bully women who come into the store. She is attempting to flirt with them, but is very bad at it.
- An elderly woman with a lot of religion in her heart. She tends to assume that everyone she meets shares her peculiar beliefs and prejudices, and attempts to commiserate with them about the sorry state of the world.
- The bastard child of some great noble. At least that’s what he claims. There is a vague resemblance, which he seems to think is the only evidence he needs. He’s outspoken about local politics, and all of the things he will change when his parent finally gets around to recognizing him.
- Someone who grew up quite affluent, but whose family fell on hard times while she was yet in their late teens. The trouble was sufficient to bump them down two or three socioeconomic classes. Now in her late twenties she’s learned how to get by as a dirty poor, but has an irritating sense that the world owes her a better living.
- An older fellow whose body isn’t regulating his body temperature properly. He’s either feeling way too cold, or way too warm in any given environment.
- A bored young woman fiddling with a bag of marbles. If no one is around, she’ll ask if the customer wants to play a round with her. She’ll even offer a discount if they will liven up her tedious day with a few minutes of playing marbles.
- Apparently surrounded by very eager customers who mysteriously clear a path for the players as they approach. The shopkeep has hired a whole crowd of actors to make his shop look busy, in the hopes of attracting business.
- Eager to be well regarded for his intelligence. Recently he learned the word “Axiom / Axiomatic.” He doesn’t properly understand its use, but is eager to slip int into conversation to sound smarter.
- Wishing her partner was here. She has no idea how to properly record the inventory, they usually handle these things.
- Stressed about his kids running around the store, bothering customers and making a mess of things.
- Dreadfully ill. Coughing, sneezing, the whole deal. She came in to work out of a misguided sense of dedication, and is very proud of herself.
- Outspoken about what a hard lot merchants have to deal with. Everyone above her in society is leeching off her hard work, and everyone beneath her is a layabout. In her estimation it is the merchant class which built society.
- Raising funds for an orphanage. She’s got a big bucket on the counter filled with donations, and will be sure to ask anyone who makes a purchase to consider adding their own contribution.
- A beautiful man. Drop-dead gorgeous. Lithe of body, gentle of touch, with dark hair and a faint leatherwood scent. He is fiercely devoted to his partner, and does not appreciate people hitting on him.
- Attempting to learn a new language out of a book. She’s hoping it will allow her to expand her business into new markets, but she’s having a tough time of it. Her enunciation wrong. If one of the players happens to speak the language she’s learning, they could really help her out.
- Cooking a set of eels on a makeshift griddle in the shop. The sea isn’t anywhere nearby, so it is a rare treat to have fresh eels. They will not share even a single bite unless they’re offered an absurdly disproportionate amount of money. They’re also hard of hearing, and may intentionally “misunderstand” any inquiries about their treat.
- Wearing an ornate metal nose prosthetic on her face. She likes to make up stories about the spectacular ways in which she lost her nose, though if her partner is around, she’ll usually pipe in with the very mundane true story.

- In need of someone to do some minor chores for them. Rake leaves, clean gutters, paint fence, that sort of thing. They’re too frail to do so themselves, and will offer a nice little discount for the work. Not enough of a discount to justify the time involved, but not nothing either.
- Accompanied by an overbearing guard who makes it very uncomfortable to shop. This is a new arrangement. The vendor himself had a bad experience recently, and isn’t yet ready to see any issue with the guard’s behavior. Once he notices how little money he’s making, he’ll learn to reign the guard in more.
- A collector of live insects. She keeps a great many of her darling pets with her, even while traveling. They require smelly foods and uncomfortable levels of heat. Several are allowed to crawl across her body casually as she works.
- Trying to keep himself together, despite having gone through a really bad breakup just yesterday.
- Either an informant for some secretive organization, or just the biggest gossip you’ve ever met. He’s absolutely shameless about it, plugging everyone he meets for the juiciest information he can get.
- Trying to to sell off excess stock of a peculiar fruit. They thought something exotic to the area would sell well, but they grossly miscalculated. Nobody wants the stuff, and it’s going to start going bad soon. They’re claiming the stuff has wild magical properties in order to liquidate their stock before it rots.
- Covetous of something the player character customers posses. It would probably be something fairly obvious: a nice hat, or sword, or bit of jewelry. He may try to buy it, or if he can’t afford it, may attempt to find out where the customers are staying so he can steal it while they sleep.
- Red-faced about a very recent and very public embarrassment. He made a big show of seeking some minor position of power within the community, talked to everyone as if it were a sure thing, and when the moment came his bid for the position received absolutely no support whatsoever. He’s a bit of a laughing stock at the moment.
- Recently returned to this job, after having quit it in spectacular fashion a few weeks ago. They resent themselves for coming crawling back, and are turning that resentment outwards at everyone.
- A little high, and has just come to a perspective-altering realization about the nature of the universe. Something about all reality being predicated on tension between slime and algorithms. They’re eager to share their new wisdom with others, though in about 20 minutes it won’t even properly make sense to them anymore.
- Wrestling with a disorderly pet they’re taking care of for a friend. Perhaps a dog, cat, bird, or—most destructive of all—a monkey?
- Lifting weights, doing crunches, and jumping rope between transactions. They mutter a lot of weird self-abuse / encouragement, like “Keep going, keep going you trash heap, just 30 more. Nobody will ever love you unless you do 30 more!” If asked why they’re doing this, they will enigmatically say that they’re “in training,” and wink.
- Using a complicated sales system which requires a lot of paperwork for even very small transactions. They insist it’s better for everyone in the long run that every detail be properly documented, but clearly the effort is wearing even them down.
- Distracted by tending to a crying baby. She is embarrassed and apologetic about it. Way more than she needs to be.
- In the midst of a shouting match with their business partner. The two both try to keep it together when a customer shows up, but neither can resist making snide remarks, and then the shouting starts again. Savvy customers could potentially play the two off one another to get some real bargains.
- A young person with just…just the absolute worst haircut you can imagine. Like seven different styles all fighting one another on the battlefield of her head. There are huge bald spots, and spikes, and curls, and braids, and it’s just….distracting.
- A blind, jack-of-all-trades hustler. While shopping with her, she’ll casually mention all sorts of other things you might pay her for. She is (according to her own reckoning) an accomplished barber, an adequate player of both fiddle and concertina, an excellent fisherwoman, thoroughly knowledgeable about safe paths through a nearby woodland, and not-half-bad as a doctor.
- Insistent that everyone in his shop must strictly observe some peculiar cultural or religious practice. There are signs everywhere reinforcing this rule. Characters may be asked to wear heavy chains about their shoulders, or carry a fish in their pocket, or not to speak, or to wear special curly toed shoes, etc.
- A shepherd. This isn’t her job. She’s the cousin of the usual shopkeep, and was press-ganged into taking over the job this morning because her cousin is ill. She has no idea what she’s doing.
- On a bit of a tear at the moment. They’re angry, and eager to rant about their personal enemies to anyone who will listen. Every stimulus, no matter how banal, somehow prompts fresh memories for them to be angry about.
- Convinced that he has a special ability to spot a sucker from a mile away. And the party sure does look like a bunch of suckers to him.
- Carefully watching an hourglass. If the party stick around for awhile, she’ll flip the glass and scratch a tally in her notebook. Even when making a sale she keeps glancing at the hourglass, as if it will somehow jump ahead if she doesn’t keep eyes on it. If asked why she’s doing this, she will change the subject by trying to upsell the customer on something.
- In mourning. Someone very dear to them died recently. Their grief is sincere, but it is also being highly performed as a show of respect to the departed. Everything is draped in black, they weep loudly, and have even hired professional mourners to stand outside the shop beating their breasts and crying to the heavens.
- Intensely enthusiastic, and desperately needs everyone around them to be on the same level they are. If they talk to someone who isn’t smiling and giddy, they feel as though that person must be angry with them. As such they’re constantly trying to coax an unseemly excitement out of people.
- Gravely concerned that a recent scientific discovery conflicts with their religious beliefs. They consider themselves both religiously devout and scientifically enlightened, so this is a big problem. They are consumed by attempting to massage these two conflicting sets of facts into accord and resolve their personal paradox.
- A foreigner who speaks the local language only brokenly. She is kind and her wares are good, but her lack of familiarity with the local language and customs is causing her problems. She will invariably commit some serious faux pas, offer to sell something dramatically below its proper value, or otherwise put herself in an awkward position which the players can choose either to take advantage of, or help her out with.

- Very passionate about her hobby. In her off-hours, she devotes almost all her time and money to attempts at breeding cryptids. She has nothing else in her life to talk about, and she is a very talkative person.
- Front-woman for some shady practices. Nothing in this shop is actually expected to sell. This place does not turn any profit. She makes the real money from letting criminals use it as a meeting place, or as a warehouse for stolen goods.
- Drunk, wearing an outlandishly colorful costume, and playing dangerous games with a deadly weapon. Perhaps he is swinging a sword in wobbly-yet-artful loops, or pointing a loaded crossbow around the room while making ‘pew!’ sounds.
- Wayyyyy too casual with threats of violence. He just weaves it into his conversation everywhere, like “If you don’t buy that you’ll be dead before sundown for wasting my time, haha.” He is not serious, but for whatever reason he thinks this behavior is normal.
- Obsessed with the peculiarities of a culture two nations away from here. All he knows are tidbits of information gleaned from stories and art, which have led him to construct a fictionalized version of that culture which suits his own quirks. He’s taken to using scattered words from that nation’s language, and explaining them incorrectly to anyone who looks confused (which is everyone).
- Planning to commit a murder tonight. She’s anxiously going over her plan again and again in her mind, and terrified she’s going to tip her hand. She just wants to get this interaction over with as quickly and normally as possible.
- Supremely kindhearted, to the point of absolute absurdity. This must be a new business, or she’s new to running it, or has recently had a dramatic shift in her personality, because no one so generous could possibly keep this business afloat for more than a few weeks.
- A sub-rational nihilist. She actively disbelieves in logic, and causality. Reality is random. If it appears that reactions follow actions, and that their relationship is predictable, that’s just one more layer to the cosmic joke that is life. Her boss insists she take the correct amount of money for purchases, though. The boss is such a philistine.
- An absurdly tall woman. Seven feet if she’s an inch. She’s got shifty eyes, is scruffily groomed, and smells…peculiar. She is very worried that someone will discover that she’s been illicitly fermenting cheeses in the back room.
- Garbed in the absurd and impractical fashions that were in vogue with the high aristocracy a few years ago. He picked up the costume second hand in an effort to look cultured and well-off. The clothes are constantly getting in his way, and he fail to understand that absolutely no one is impressed.
- A person whose legs were not fully formed when they were born. They’ve rigged the whole shop with a complex series of pulleys and ropes which allow them to zip around the rafters and drop down anywhere they need. They’re able to get around with downright frightening speed.
- A short fellow with a great big beard, which rests across the counter. He wears a horned helm on his head, has a glassy 1000-yard stare, and speaks almost exclusively via indecipherable grunts. One might be tempted to think there’s something seriously wrong with him, but this is just the means by which he combats boredom. He speaks quite clearly when indicating prices and enforcing the details of his transactions.
- A person of indeterminate gender, wearing a long black cloak. Everything about their behavior—their accent, their puns about sucking blood, their avoidance of mirrors and light—makes it painfully obvious that they are a vampire. They aren’t though, not really. They avoid light because they’re sensitive to it, avoid mirrors because they don’t like the way they look, and make bloodsucking puns because they think it’s funny to play on people’s assumptions about them.
- A deep believer in the importance of proper augury. She does not attempt to tell the future (such things are irreligious nonsense), but to determine whether or not there is any particular divine favor or disfavor for her endeavors. She has a great pen of chickens outside, and will often throw feed to them, and study their movements to calculate her proper course.
- Insultingly arrogant. He makes no secret of the fact that he thinks his wares are too good for a party of dirty adventurers. He’ll take your money, but emphasizes that he doesn’t accept returns.
- Willing to accept certain…unusual forms of payment. They regularly barter with wizards, demons, and other dark things which live in the forest. They know adventuring types when they see them, and know also that such folk are often willing to part with things like blood, souls, first born children, etc.
- An absolute drop-dead, twelve-outta-ten hottie who has lived their entire adolescence and adult life among dwarves, who didn’t recognize them as anything other than just another human. They’re totally unaware of how attractive they are.
- An enthusiastic sports fan. She’s desperate to talk to someone about a match that occurred recently, which the party is likely to be unaware of.
- A fellow who is casually tossing items around the store as he works. He throws junk into the trash, product onto the shelves, or onto the counter. Nothing is being damaged, but that seems to be a result of luck rather than skill on his part. It’s probably just a matter of time before he causes problems with his careless behavior.
- A massive, muscled, shirtless fellow. She’s got a luscious mane of shoulder-length hair which has clearly been tended with great devotion. She doesn’t say much. She just does her job, and occasionally answer questions with impressive flexing rather than with words.
- The architect of a massive building project which was completely bungled. The structure collapsed, dozens died, it major tragedy. The news spread quickly around the area. She had to change her name, her hair, and start a new life.
- Suffering from a peculiar paranoia. He believes he is being watched, but has come to enjoy that feeling. He takes a certain exhibitionist glee from being observed at all times, and often assumes new people are privy to details about his life which they have no way of knowing.
- Going to try to sell something under the table. It is unlikely the players will want this item (perhaps an old racing toad who is past his prime but ready to stud, or a vial of angel blood, or something like that). None the less, she will talk about the sale as if it is an amazing deal on highly illicit goods. It’s unclear whether she is sincere, or if this is just some strange sales ploy.
- A Don Quixote style character. She believes she runs a very high class place, with a royal clientele. Her shop and wares are actually a little below average, but you’ll never convince her of that.

- Cursed with invisibility. He hates it, and wears a lot of full-body clothes so people can see him. Doesn’t wear masks most of the time though. Maybe on formal occasions, but in his day-to-day they’re too irritating to bother with. This man is incredibly tired of people trying to hire him based entirely on his invisibility, and will turn hostile at any suggestion that he could “use” his malady.
- A living statue which does not speak. He communicates primarily by pointing. He has a slot in his chest where payment may be deposited.
- A precocious child with an oversize head—both literally, and figuratively. He’s a meticulous planner, and has every confidence that this first little business is just a stepping stone to greater things. He doesn’t entirely overrate his own ability, he is quite good. But he is a child, and lacks for social intelligence. He has no idea how casually insulting he is, and how many customers he has already driven away.
- Engaged in an act of performance art. You only think you’re in a shop because you’re not fully appreciating all the artistic nuance on display. This is artifice. A statement that reflects the artist/shopkeeps supreme genius. You can still buy things from him, but it’s not JUST a transaction. It MEANS something.
- Cursed with the form of a pig. Upturned snout, bright pink skin, little curly tail, the works. This is a real problem for him, but paying the rent is a bigger problem, so he’s got to keep the business going and hope the curse works itself out eventually.
- An animate structure. The shop themself is alive, and avaricious. They have a face which can manifest itself on any surface within the building. What they use the money for is uncertain, but they seem to want it very desperately.
- The body of a person who needed money badly enough to allow a wizard to perform experiments on them. An unintended side effect of said experiments is that their mind got swapped with a creature from another world that orbits a distant star. That creature is sly, distrustful, and slow to action. They’ve been living in this body for a few months now, attempting to blend in as they learn about our world and species.
- A very sweaty fellow who is followed everywhere he goes by a wizard. The wizard insist you pay no attention to her. As the sweaty man goes about his business, the wizard collects his sweat in vials, and studies each carefully before labeling it, and placing it in her satchel.
- An orc with a great big white beard, who has all the typical lexical impediments one would stereotypically expect from an orc: trouble with pronouns, mismatched word order, etc. The orc is actually something of a polyglot, fluent in 100 languages from a dozen or more different worlds. He’s working in this shop in order to immerse himself in your culture while learning your language as his 101st. He’s been working at it for about a week now.
- A gray furred, elderly, rat-person scholar. She really ought to be spending her days in teaching and academic study, but times are hard right now. Even the most learned must find ways to make ends meet.
- A guy who clearly does not work here. He just noticed the shopkeep had wandered off for some reason, and decided to try and handle sales while they were gone. He’s not trying to steal or swindle anybody. He’s just acting on a peculiar impulse, and hasn’t yet realized why that might be a problem for others.
- A subby guy with boundary issues. Tries to maneuver people into dominating him without their consent.
- Human shaped, but only 3 feet tall, and covered head-to-toe in long greasy hair which leaves only her eyes visible. She speaks a language that is not intelligible to anyone in this region, but seems capable enough in the conduct of her business. She gets by mostly with hand gestures.
- The demon Pogu has been bound to this body, and kept in thrall to a wizard. The wizard found that she had accumulated entirely too much junk over the years, and tricked Pogu into this bondage until all her excess assets are liquidated. Pogu must seek a reasonable price and must transact his business with the consent of the customer, but has few limitations beyond these.
- Leaking honey from his nose and ears, because a colony of bees has made their hive within his skull. His brain is still in there as well. He and the bees came to this arrangement semi-voluntarily after he committed a grave offense against them, and was allowed to choose the mode of his restitution. He assures anyone who asks that he is fine.
- What appears to be a half-developed fetus curled up in a floating uterus. The creature speaks by blowing bubbles out the various tubes of the uterus. Each bubble releases a syllable as it pops. The creature is strange, but does not revel in the curiosity of customers. They are a crafty and diligent salesperson, and will not gratify any attempt to pry into their personal life.
- Someone very clearly under the influence of a charm spell. They say there’s a special bargain today: you can choose to pay with money like normal, OR climb down into the “hole of fun,” and keep your item for free! The hole they indicate leads to a subterranean nightmare chamber where the customer will be devoured by terrible monsters. It is not subtle.
- Riit , Giit, and Viit are a trio of bear brothers. They are not anthropomorphized in any way, save that they can speak and engage in commerce. They have a tendency to bicker constantly among themselves, but clearly care for one another very deeply.
- A lizard man who has just gotten to a really good part in the book he is reading. Most certainly will not be pleased to serve customers at the moment.
- A disembodied voice who sees everything that happens within her shop. She is terribly exasperated by folks trying to outwit her, and has a standing policy of adding a 10% ‘shithead tax,’ cumulative for every attempt. Notice of this tax is clearly posted behind the counter.
- A fish-woman who moves about the shop via a series of hidden pipes and open canals. There are a few different tanks which allow her to swim up to eye level with customers. She specializes in trade goods from the deep sea, but has expanded into local wares as well.
- Someone whose reincarnation cycle is broken. Their consciousness never resets between lives. They remember every one from their months in the womb, to their deaths, and the strange visions experienced between. Their memory spans countless generations. They’ve used their vast knowledge to rule the world in previous lives, but that was a long time ago. For the last few lives they’ve mostly just been going through the motions.
- An ethical cannibal who will pay to eat bits of you. She would never take meat from someone who didn’t or couldn’t consent, and she always pays a fair price for her food.
- A mystical aberration. She was born with the ability to produce powerful jolts of electricity from her body. She uses this ability to emphasize how “shocking” her prices are! What a bargain! She makes a good living here. She will scoff at any suggestion that she leave a prosperous business, a lovely family, good friends, and a stable community to pursue a life of adventure. That’s not a real job! Get a life.
I hope everyone remains safe and healthy. Don’t let the bastards get you down, friends. America delenda est.