Two more d100 lists of Magic Words! If you’re not familiar with what’s happening here, check out the posts in the Magic Word category, probably starting with the basic system outline.
“Body Parts” is pretty self explanatory. It’s a list of words that name parts of the bodies of living creatures. “Simple Actions” is stuff you can do with just your body, or at most very minimal tools.
If anybody else is actually using the system, by the by, I’d be fascinated to know what magic words are active in your game, and what spells your players have crafted. Email me!
d100 Body Parts
- Antennae
- Antler
- Appendage
- Appendix
- Arm
- Artery
- Back
- Beak
- Beard
- Belly
- Bladder
- Blood
- Bone
- Brain
- Breast
- Carapace
- Claw
- Cloaca
- Digestion
- Ear
- Egg
- Elbow
- Exoskeleton
- Eye
- Fang
- Fat
- Feather
- Fin
- Finger
- Fist
- Flesh
- Foot
- Fur
- Gentiles
- Gill
- Gland
- Hair
- Hand
- Heart
- Heel
- Hips
- Hoof
- Horn
- Intestine
- Iris
- Jaw
- Joint
- Knee
- Knuckle
- Leg
- Lips
- Liver
- Lung
- Mane
- Mouth
- Mucus
- Muscle
- Nails
- Navel
- Neck
- Nerve
- Nipple
- Nose
- Organ
- Orifice
- Palm
- Phallus
- Pheromones
- Pores
- Proboscis
- Quill
- Rectum
- Rib
- Scale
- Shell
- Skeleton
- Skin
- Skull
- Soul
- Sphincter
- Spine
- Sting
- Sucker
- Sweat
- Tail
- Talon
- Teeth
- Tendril
- Tentacle
- Throat
- Toe
- Tongue
- Tusk
- Uterus
- Vagina
- Vein
- Web
- Whisker
- Wing
- Wrist
d100 Simple Actions
- Ask
- Attack
- Awaken
- Belch
- Bellow
- Bite
- Blink
- Blow
- Breathe
- Build
- Carry
- Clap
- Comb
- Come
- Contemplate
- Cough
- Crawl
- Crouch
- Cry
- Dance
- Defend
- Dig
- Draw
- Drink
- Eat
- Excrete
- Exercise
- Fart
- Flap
- Flee
- Flex
- Flick
- Frown
- Give
- Glare
- Go
- Grind
- Grip
- Hear
- Hold
- Hug
- Jump
- Kick
- Kiss
- Laugh
- Lean
- Leap
- Learn
- Lick
- Lift
- Look
- Make
- Move
- Pat
- Play
- Point
- Pound
- Pull
- Punch
- Push
- Reach
- Read
- Recoil
- Release
- Rub
- Run
- Say
- Scratch
- Shake
- Sit
- Slap
- Sleep
- Slither
- Smile
- Snap
- Sneeze
- Speak
- Spin
- Spit
- Squeeze
- Stack
- Stand
- Stare
- Step
- Stomp
- Strain
- Stretch
- Strike
- Stroke
- Swallow
- Swing
- Tap
- Tear
- Think
- Touch
- Use
- Walk
- Wave
- Wiggle
- Write