Three and a half years ago I began a Rules as Written LotFP game set on post apocalyptic Mars, and called it “On a Red World Alone.” Bit by bit each rule was tinkered with. Today ORWA is a game unto itself, and if you’re interested in what that game looks like I’ve linked the current rules document below.
This revision, the 8th, is a complete ground-up rewrite, and the first I’ve ever shared publicly. The version of the document linked below also includes all the tables and encounters I use to run the game. The stuff my players never get to see.
Speaking of, if you play in ORWA, or if you’re interested in doing so, you should not read this document. It contains information which would be deleterious to your enjoyment of the game.
ORWA Version 8.
Don’t click if you play in the game!
I hope this will be interesting to folks who have followed the evolution of my process. In here you’ll see the most up-to-date versions of how I run Haven Turns, or how I structure encounter tables. That said, what you won’t see is much explanatory text at all. These are notes written either for myself, or for my players, so it may not always be clear to someone outside that fairly limited circle. If anyone has questions, I’ll be happy to answer them in the comments.
Thanks for “popping the hood” like this. I’m especially interested, lately, to see how different people handle their “haven turn” (or whatever you want to call it). I know Kevin Crawford has some complex rules for them in all his books, but I also like seeing the less formal approaches people take at their own tables.