On Halloween, the players may approach any NPC in the game and ask “Trick, or Treat?” The referee should then roll on the table below to determine how the NPC responds.
Also, if you call Halloween “The Day of Ghosts” or “Spook Night” or any other uniquely fantastified non-name, you are a fuckin’ goober. Holidays aren’t copyrighted, why do people keep coming up with legally distinct versions of holiday names? It is dumb.
The Trick or Treater…
1. Gets a big bag of rocks.
2. Gets a big bag of candy!
3. Is afflicted with intense flatulence for the next few hours.
4. Will be an instant expert with the next musical instrument they get their hands on.
5. Is startled by a monster from the random encounter table, which pops out to spook them.
6. Will be able to breathe underwater for the next few hours.
7. Will only be able to breathe underwater for the next few hours.
8. Gets a bar of chocolate called “Save-U-Latr”. Eating it grants a +4 bonus to your next saving throw.
9. Gets a bar of chocolate called “Save-U-Latr”. Eating it grants a -4 penalty on your next saving throw.
10. Gains a +1 to their chance to get a random surprise round, until the next time they get a random surprise round.
11. Will get their bones broken the next time they’re struck in combat.
12. Will only take the minimum amount of possible damage from the next attack they are struck by.
13. Gets a Jack-O-Lantern stuck on their head. They can’t get it off until it starts to rot and get soft and squishy.
14. Has their clothes illusion’d, so they appear to be wearing a very spooky costume.
15. Is left in the care of a young child, which they must care for, or be arrested for criminal neglect.
16. Has their face painted in a colorful and fun way.
17. Is afflicted with an allergy to Dungeon Dust, which causes them to sneeze any time they’re in ancient places.
18. Receives a balloon animal of their choosing from the NPC.
19. Gets a spanking for some naughty thing the NPC saw them do. It is not the fun kind of spanking.
20. Is temporarily gifted with 5lb telekinesis.
21. Is recognized by someone nearby they owe a debt to, who wants them to pay up immediately and won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
22. Is absolutely perfect at climbing trees, until the following evening.
23. Is given the opportunity to weed the NPC’s garden, chop their firewood, and run a few errands in town for them. No takesie-backsies on Trick or Treats. Or else.
25. Gets a case of the hiccups that just won’t quit. Each time they hiccup, little bubbles come out of their mouth. When they pop, they say the thoughts that the character never would have said out-loud.

26. Learns that they are unconditionally loved by someone in their life. And really, isn’t that the greatest treat of all?
27. Is cursed with a terrible haircut.
28. Is given a bag of magic seeds, which will grow into full grown crops in a single week, no matter the weather or the quality of the soil.
29. Is cursed, so that every chair they sit in for the next year will have a whoopie cushion on it. Even if they pause to remove the cushion, it will simply reappear on the chair when they do finally sit.
30. Will almost immediately be approached and greeted by someone they’ve always wanted to meet, but probably never would have had the opportunity to.
31. Has all of their teeth rot and fall out within the next few weeks.
32. Gets tickets to the carnival, an event more fun than it has any right to be. You’re seriously in for a pretty dang good time.
33. Starts to experience severe back pains, which reduces their encumbrance.
34. Is graced with an official title. It has little material benefit, but will be recognized and respected by everyone within the culture in which it was given.
35. Will be pooped on by birds. A lot. For a very long time. This character is suddenly a favored target.
36. A candied apple, which heals 2d8 hit points. Any hit points rolled above the maximum are gained as temporary hit points.
37. Has a face which, everyone will agree, is a very scary mask. Because they are ugly.
38. Will be transformed into a kid.
39. Is now in trouble with the authorities! The NPC called for them immediately. Trick or Treating is only for children, and any adult caught doing it is obviously some kind of deviant.
40. Will experience a My Little Pony style lesson moment, about the importance of friendship.
41. Gets a potato.
42. Meets a rat named Bently, who wants to be their friend.
43. Is given a coupon book for the goods and services local to the town. The coupons are all very confusingly worded, and have obtuse requirements that make them a huge pain in the ass to use. Some are expired.
44. Receives a magic hat, which makes them an expert at ice sculpture.
45. Is cursed so that, any time they walk through a town, they will be struck by falling garbage and emptied chamber pots from the windows above them.
46. Gets an excellent toy doll, with articulated joints. It’s the best toy ever.
47. Learns all the gossip their companions have been saying about them behind their back. The referee is free to make up whatever they want, so long as it’s likely to hurt the Trick or Treater’s feelings.
48. Receives a book on the subject of local myths and legends. (After reading it, the player is free to ask the referee 4 questions on the subject, and have them answered with complete honesty).
49. Must make a mandatory visit to the dentist.
50. Is given a temporary tattoo, which glows with cool runes and shit.

51. Will probably be surprised when the NPC disappears into a puff of smoke.
52. Gets a good wash from the NPC. They really get in there with a brush and make you smell nice.
53. Will be pelted with rotten eggs.
54. Is blessed, such that the next monster they meet will be friendly.
55. Gets scolded by the NPC for wearing such low visibility clothing on such a dangerous night. Is forced to wear a reflective vest which will ruin any attempt at stealth.
56. Is given a glass of unpleasant-tasting vegetable juice. It’s not fun to consume, but once you’ve got it down, you feel completely reinvigorated. You don’t need to sleep again for 2 days, and won’t take any penalties at all from doing so.
57. Will be transformed into a goblin for the next 48 hours.
58. Receives a paper mache mask, which is shockingly convincing as the face of some other creature, but is very fragile and will break easily.
59. Has their gender swapped.
60. Discovers that undead creatures are friendly to them, until the next time they harm one.
61. Has all of their meaty-bits turn transparent, so that they appear to be a walking skeleton. I call them Skello-persons, which is legally distinct from any similar, Carcosan entities.
62. Will be overjoyed when that one really weird, fucked-up sex thing that they’re into becomes completely commonplace until the next full moon. Everybody will be talking about it, and be eager to do it. Later it will be regarded as a fad.
63. Knows that their mother is mad at them. They don’t know why, but she is, and she might yell at them at any moment.
64. Is blessed, such that people they meet regard their opinion of high importance, and will be very interested to know the character’s thoughts on just about any subject. This effect gradually fades over the course of a week.
65. Will be chased by a pack of ravenous dogs. (10 per level of the character)
66. Will be chased by a pack of adorable puppies (3 per level of the character)
67. Drugs lose all of their effects for this character. They become forcibly sober, because nothing can get them buzzed.
68. Just once, if they jump out of a glass window, they can land wherever they want, and can roll just right so that they only take 2hp of damage. 1 from the glass, and 1 from the fall.
69. A cloud of rain forms over the character’s head, and will follow them around wherever they go.
70. The next time they would die, it was all a dream. They wake up in their bed.
71. All foods affect the character’s mind as if they were drugs, causing them to exist in a constant haze.
72. Must choose an animal. All instances of that animal, all over the world, can now fly. If they could already fly, then now they can swim. If they could already fly and swim, then what the fuck, they can teleport.
73. Birds can talk now, but they only speak to the Trick or Treater, and all they ever do is talk shit.
74. The next harmful spell the Trick or Treater would be affected by is warped, so that the Trick or Treater is instead granted Protection from Evil.
75. Their nose gets all big and warty.

76. Becomes significantly more attractive. Two or three points up on a ten point scale, at the very least.
77. The next time they would run, they run as if they were underwater.
78. The NPC tells them that their next attack will be “a little more effective than normal.” Their next attack will be an auto-hit, auto-kill, no matter what their target is. Under no circumstances should the player be aware of the full potency of this treat.
79. Every coin in the Trick or Treater’s possession goes down by one denomination. Gold becomes silver, silver becomes copper, copper becomes stone, etc.
80. The next time you sleep, you dream of reading that book you’ve been meaning to read. When you wake up, you have all the knowledge of the book, as if you had read it.
81. Gets their shoes tied together.
82. Is empowered with the skills of an expert tapdancer.
83. Is cursed, so that their weapon becomes stuck in its scabbard during the next combat.
84. Is blessed, such that everything the Trick or Treater eats tastes like candy.
85. Hands become so sticky that anything they touch becomes stuck to them until some water is poured over their hands.
86. Receives a really comfortable pair of shoes, which will make all of their traveling around much more comfortable. There’s no mechanical benefit, but dang, it’s just a way nicer way to adventure, ya know?
87. From now on, whenever they sleep, their dreams will appear floating above their heads for anyone nearby to watch.
88. For the next few days, all reaction rolls are made at a +1. Everyone is just being kinda cool to you, yo. It’s the harvest season, and people are just kinda chill, ya know?
89. A serial killer has decided that you need to be their next victim. They’re stalking you now, and they’ll come for you next time you’re alone.
90. The NPC casually hands over some item or piece of information which significantly advances the players along some quest they were already invested in. It doesn’t solve the whole thing for them, or anything, but it will sure make their lives a whole lot easier.
91. Your butt falls off. There is no longer any way for you to sit, or to fart, or to poop, or to enjoy the pleasures of anal stimulation.
92. The NPC relates some information regarding a small inheritance the Trick or Treater is entitled to. All they need to do is go claim it from the executor of their great aunt’s estate.
93. The NPC calls out for help, claiming that the Trick or Treater attacked them with great violence.
94. The NPC passes along info regarding a friendly water Nymph, who is currently fed up with other nature spirits and wants to make some human friends.
95. A bag of tasty tasty popcorn, a kernel of which gets stuck in your teeth, and will remain lodged there FOREVER, giving you uncomfortable mouth pressures.
96. The NPC offers to do your laundry. They’ll do a really good job of it, too. It’ll all feel very soft and warm when they’re done.
97. Dogs no longer trust the Trick or Treater, which is bad, because people always put an undue amount of faith in whether or not a dog likes a person.
98. The NPC offers comfortable accommodations for the night, complete with soft beds, privacy, and meals.
99. The NPC offers to perform oral sex. They are really, really, painfully bad at it.
100. The Trick or Treater is entitled to one Wish.
Definitely want to go trick or treating next ORWA session. Looks like fun.